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Sophos Endpoint failing to update, install or uninstall Windows 10 1903

Hi Guys,


I have where at first i started getting a notification saying sophos was unable to update.


I tried manually, then running the installer from the sharepoint.


Uninstalling (sophos AV failed but other elements removed), removing a couple of registry values suggested in other threads and manually deleting data from folders. Followed by reinstalling.


some elements seem to reinstall but but all elements, i have no AV which is the most important aspect.


Originally I had this issue on a earlier feature release of Windows 10, all attempts to upgrade to 1903 failed, but i thought i would just try the Windows 10 1903 update during the uninstall and reinstall of Sophos and it upgraded successfully. Sophos also failed to install on either version of Windows 10.



Here is my ALUpdate log





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