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Issue with the Firewall configuration after problems with updates

Dear All,

maybe I have a problem to understand the features of Sophos Endpoint.


I have been working with other products and never had the same issues that I am currently facing.

I have found some clients which have issues to update the patterns, some for quite some time.
With recent products I have:

a) tried to force the update on the remote client via the Management Console

b) if that failed set command to remote clients to comply with "all Group policies"
b1) wait for up to 5-10 minutes to complete

c) run force update again

d) if fails again, protect computers and select all company default settings (i.e. enable Firewall)
d1) as I have already send the "comply with all gpos" it should set the permission correctly

e) with other products: after up to 5 minutes the client completes the installation and is up to date

F) now the situation is, that those 20 remote clients are finally up to date,
    BUT are not comply with the GPOs I have send before.
F1) instead the FW config did not enable "primary location: grant all network access" - which results in issues to connect
to network ressources.
F2) should the FW client also with SOPHOS pull the FW policy that I have deployed before?

Some clients still fail to connect to the update source, as the information is missing... (does not make sense to me).
I am trying to find out, where my workflow failed.

Any help is highly appreciated.
Thank you.

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