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Out dated "Engine version"

Dear All,


I've an issue with Engine version and its not up to date. Would anyone please assist the quick action to check for 1000s of machines and update accordingly with current version from Sophos.


Sophos Anti-Virus is installed on the remote host :

  Installation path : C:\Program Files (x86)\Sophos\Sophos Anti-Virus
  Product version   :
  Engine version    : (This is out-dated and how can I update this since its all by system.)

The engine version is out-of-date. The oldest supported version from the vendor is 3.74.1.
Virus signatures last updated   : 2018/11/11
Virus signatures last updated   : 2018/11/11

As a result, the remote host might be infected by viruses.


Thanks in well Adv.


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  • Hello Abdul,

    when the update would be released
    can't say, I'm not Sophos. And Sophos likely won't tell - to quote from the Release Dates article: Further details and more precise dates are available to customers with Enhanced TAM support (whatever TAM support is). Furthermore there's proposed, confidence level, and last but not least may not be available ... during that month. Quite clear IMO that it's not about hard dates or that Jan means early January, first half of January.

    still having the same vulnerabilities (emphasis mine)
    this is a misunderstanding of Nessus' reports or - if it is them who call it vulnerability - a gross misinterpretation of said article. While the Engine Release Notes most of the time cite security and detection improvements and enhancements there's nothing that even remotely suggests that a previous engine version is vulnerable, would result in a vulnerability, or result in diminished detection rates. It seems that Nessus just takes some publicly available data and draws some rather debatable conclusion.


  • Thanks for the response Christian;


    I know you are not Sophos, however, I taught you might be well aware about them. 

  • Hello QC,


    We are in Jan now, still the Ver. is as old :(




  • Hello Faisal,

    why this old :( - what are your concerns? Why this obsession with 3.74.1 or that it you have to have it by now?
    Is it still not clear what I am trying to say - well, apparently not. There's nothing wrong with 3.73. There's nothing wrong with your subscription that still doesn't contain 3.74.1. Everything is working fine (except Nessus).


  • Answer: Update your Nessus Plugin Database.

    I opened a ticket with Nessus and they fixed the Engine Version to the current Sophos version; the plugin is fixed. If your plugins are not automatically updating, then they will have missed the fix and you will still be seeing those "vulnerabilities".

    Just update your Nessus plugins.

    QC is correct. It is not a Sophos issue, it was a Nessus issue.

  • Dear Faisal;


    If you are desperate to have 3.74, simple change your subscription from "Recommended" to "Preview". This way you will always be the first to receive updates.