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Data control problem

I have been playing around with the data control policy again, assigned my own machine to a test group.

I have been trying to get Sophos to detect, allow and log bank account details that are attached to the Outlook client.

The following is a test word document named 'Bank details' I have been using:

Bob Smith

Bank account details – 31926819
Sort Code – 521051

Mastercard card – 5487 5489 5225 6554

Expires End – 11/12/12

CCV - 875

I have a rule set that checks for the following:

For any file

where the file contains:

1 or more matches of Bank account details near personally identifiable information [UK],

and 1 or more matches of Bank routing numbers with qualifying terms [UK],

and 2 or more matches of Combination of personally identifiable information [UK],

and 1 or more matches of Confidential document markers [UK],

and 1 or more matches of Credit or debit card numbers near personally identifiable information [UK],

and 1 or more matches of National insurance numbers near personally identifiable information [UK],

and 1 or more matches of National insurance numbers [UK],and 1 or more matches of National insurance numbers with qualifying terms [UK],

and where the destination is Outlook,

Allow file transfer.

Sophos does not log any email attachment that I attach containing those bank details. However, when I apply the following policy and add the header 'confidential' to the bank details word document it triggers the control and logs the event:

For any file

where the file contains:1 or more matches of Confidential document markers [Global],

and 1 or more matches of Credit or debit card numbers [Global],

and where the destination is Outlook,

Allow file transfer.  

Not sure why I can't get this working. I just need a policy that checks for bank details, credit card numbers etc that actually works.  


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