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As of August 8th 2023, SSL/TLS Decryption is enabled in the EAP program for macOS devices.


Considering the impact that this new feature contains, it could have been better handled to send notification of this new feature at least a day before it happens, as opposed to sending the notification on the same day this new feature is enabled!

MacOS Endpoint EAP - August 2023 Update 


From a macOS deployment perspective, the following challenges exist:

  1. A reboot is needed (minor challenge)
  2. End user must allow a Sophos Trusted Certificate (bigger challenge).
  3. End user must navigate within Sophos Endpoint application, click a button, and enter their password to authorize the certificate (bigger challenge).
  4. The Sophos KB is vague whether “enter password” is for end-user’s password or needing administrative credentials, though since the password is needed to “authorize the certificate”, it is reasonable to assume the latter (so, even bigger challenge).
  5. Steps 2-4 are all manual; Sophos does not provide any method whether these steps can be done using MDM or other automatic means (biggest challenge)

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