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Problems with Office 365 / Office 2016

We are now unable to install Office365 / Office 2016 using the Office Deployment Tool.  Because we have a bunch of new things from Sophos going on (new firewall, anti-virus int he cloud and the "ultimate" beta) we are struggling to find the source of the problem.

We do know there are issues with the firewall and the download of the software.

We also know that once we get around the download problem the installation is failing both inside and outside the firewall, indicating that  it might be an antivirus issue. 

The error I can find is "C2R client returned failing error code 17002".  Following through Microsoft's troubleshooting, the one thing I haven't done yet is disable anti-virus.

When deploying to enterprises (even small ones like mine) having to disable anti-virus on each one to deploy software is going to be a pain in the butt. ( I posted  something about not being able to disable tamper protection for "Spectrum" / "Sophos Ultimate").

Please include ways that administrators can distribute software without massive painful hurdles to cross.

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  • Thanks for the info David, that saves me a support call.  Did they by chance give any ETA on a fix?  




  • Does anyone know of a way we can script in a disable AV into our packages? My thinking is to turn of the AV, do the install, and then turn it back on all in the package. Are there any command line options to do so? When I turn it off the installs work fine though updates do not.

  • I don't see how you could script it, since it has tamper protection turned on by default.

  • Folks

    Thanks to those of you who have worked with us to narrow down what is going on with this. 

    We are able to re-produce an issue with Office 365 Business / Enterprise editions on installation , update or repair of that software with

    Windows 10 Anniversary Edition


    Sophos Central Endpoint installed /  Sophos Intercept X 


    Tamper Protection is on

    This will result in Office 365 failing with a message asking for the computer to be restarted


    If you disable Tamper Protection , then Office 365 will work.


    We are investigating further what is conflicting between Tamper Protection and Office 365 Business / Enterprise editions, but for now, the workaround is to disable Tamper Protection on the computers that have this issue. 


    Note:  There is another issue for Office 365 when the device is behind a UTM as a web proxy.  You are advised to bypass the proxy for Office 365 as stated in this note from MSFT






  • My affected users are not running the Anniversary update, it is defered.  We are running Win 10 x64 1511.  


    Today I witnessed delayed/failed updates on Office 365 Business Premium desktop application on a Windows 7 x64 Pro client, so I don't think it is limited to Windows 10 or the anniversary update.  

  • Agreed, all of my customer scenarios were on Windows 7.



  • This is great information - we have reliably been able to re-produce the issue with Window 10 Anniversary editions.  

    Does the turning off Tamper Protection as a workaround solve the issue for  you ?

  • I am not sure, what I do know is turning off tamper protection and disabling all features in Sophos Endpoint does workaround the issue.  Haven't tried it with only tamper protection disabled.

  • FYI - we have Intercept on Windows 7, 8, 8.1, and 10 machines (builds 1511 and 1607). We noticed that fresh installs of Office 2013/2016 on all operating systems were always failing around 76% with error code 30175-13 or 30175-11, install error code was 17002.

    We turned off realtime scanning and all additional features and were able to install without any issues. Another note - this also causes the streamlined updates to corrupt, thus corrupting the installation, causing instability. When a repair is attempted on the installation, Office will uninstall and attempt to reinstall everything, but fails with one of two messages:

    • Access denied to installation source
    • Installation failed. Please restart your computer.

    No messages were displayed at the time when these were being blocked. No logs were present to show these applications being blocked either. It would be quite helpful if we had a more definitive logging or alerting solution that would tell us when this scenario happens. I'm not entirely mad that it blocked these updates, but I am mad that it didn't alert that something happened, or at least have a centralized log that captured that block. 

    We have created exceptions for the main Office installation directories so that updates can proceed as planned, seems to be doing splendidly so far.