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Central Migration tool say Unknown login error . See log for more information


I have an Endpoint Central Server. I started migration 4 month ago. Today I can't log into the Migration Tool to see how many computers are in the old state.

I got this error.

Central Migration tool say Unknown login error . See log for more information

I have got log. In log: 

2024-02-16T11:34:07.495Z [1] WARN LicenceDataDownloader.RequestFailed License data request failed!
2024-02-16T11:34:07.505Z [1] ERROR HttpHelper.DoOperationAndRetryIfTooManyRequests Central API call exception: Central API call failed. Status: UnexpectedContent
2024-02-16T11:34:07.506Z [1] WARN MigrationCoordinator.StartCentralSession Failed to start cloud session.
2024-02-16T11:34:37.217Z [5] INFO RulesDownloader.RequestSucceeded Migration rules request succeeded.
2024-02-16T11:34:37.285Z [5] INFO FeaturesDataDownloader.RequestSucceeded Cloud to SEC feature

Could you help me please?

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