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setting up message relay and update cache

hi all,

i have read the "setting up sophos relay and update cache" here

couple of questions -

on the sophos central portal it says this

Update Cache and Message Relay Status

Cache Status
Last Cache Update
a year ago
Using Cache
Message Relay Status
Using Relay
Product Update Source
Sophos Central Messaging
so im using this for the message relay and update cache and devices are using this as a relay (a few so theres a problem) but the cache devices are not
on the machine thats running the update cache and message relay, should i add another host entry ie
ip-of-the-server       dns-name-of-the-server
also i get "last cache update a year ago" i have checked and the date and time are correct
i get this error on sophos central
Failed to install SOPHOSCLEANM64: general error.

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