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Sophos endpoint for Mac causes major slowdown

Hi, we are a new Sophos customer and are currently doing our initial deployment to both Macs and Windows PCs. The issue we're facing is that our Mac users are reporting a massive slowdown of their computers, regardless of what application is being used. I have noticed it myself, and did a simple test to verify. With Sophos installed, Microsoft Word 16.21 took 20 seconds to open. With Sophos uninstalled (and the computer rebooted between), Word took 7 seconds to open.

The issue is not just with opening programs, navigation within the program as well as internet browsing is also effected. The computers often give the spinning pinwheel of death as well.

Obviously, I would expect some amount of impact with a new AV solution, especially one that is keeping track of as much as Sophos does. However, I do not experience the same slowdowns on Windows computers... this seems to ONLY be on Macs.

What can we do to improve this situation? I haven't messed with any of the policies yet, as there are a large number of settings to just go changing all of them and see what works. All the Macs and PCs are using the default Sophos policy anyway, so everything should be applied equally.

Edit - the Macs are 13" MBAir, with SSDs and 8gb of memory. Various OS versions, but most are on High Sierra. The one I tested on is Mojave.



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