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OSX Sophos Cloud install via command line is getting stuck/hanging

Results are the same with 10.12.6 or 10.13.6

I'm working on deploying Sophos Cloud to my OSX clients.  I am successfully installing Sophos Cloud via the command line, but there is a problem:  The command rarely finishes.  That is, after running the command I get "Starting Sophos Bootstrap Installer.", the Sophos icon appears as it is installed successfully, but I RARELY get positive feedback from the command line. I must CTRL-C to get out of the running command.  Sometimes it finishes correctly but that is rare.

This occurs regularly at the command line.  Due to this hangup, I can not automate the installation effectively.

Can anybody give me some suggestions?  Is my installer broken?

I am using Sophos\\ Installer --install   Straight from the documentation.


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