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How can I get email notifications, or any alerts, from a stand-alone installation on ubuntu 16.04

Being an optimistic sort I thought I would try again to use the Sophos free edition on linux, now version ubuntu 16.04

It does run, but I need some form of alert system.  email would seem easiest but there seems to be no way to get sophos to send to gmail, since I cannot specify my username & password  or authentication option in the configuration file (savconfig) unless there is a secret way to do this?  I notice there's no GUI any more to help, but I can use the command line tools.

No other pop-up alerts are ever seen as far as I can see, contrary to the configuration guide information.

My configuration is currently:

Email:                                                    -my-email-address-
EmailDemandSummaryIfThreat: true
EmailLanguage: English
EmailNotifier: true
EnableOnStart: true
ExclusionEncodings: UTF-8
LogMaxSizeMB: 100
NotifyOnUpdate: true
PrimaryUpdateSourcePath: sophos:
PrimaryUpdateUsername:                           - my sophos user name
PrimaryUpdatePassword: ********
UploadSamples: false
SendErrorEmail: true
SendThreatEmail: true
UINotifier: true
UIpopupNotification: true
UIttyNotification: true
UpdatePeriodMinutes: 60
NamedScans Not configured
LiveProtection: enabled
ScanArchives: mixed

In the log I get loads of:

20:02:01 (3878): Examining 2017-02-27.16-58-54.oTuvpE (on 3878)
20:02:01 (3878): Retrying 2017-02-27.16-58-54.oTuvpE (on 3878)
20:02:01 (3878): Emailing -me-email-address- via
20:02:11 (3878): SMTPException while attempting to send email: Connection unexpectedly closed

There must be a way to get this tool to tell a user what's going on, but this is around the 3rd time in 3 years I've tried, and still failed.  People trell me I should have a virus checker on linux, but having one that keeps its detections secret is as bad as having no checker at all.

HELP! Please!  I can't believe even a free tool from such a respected company can be so limited.

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  • Well I've come to solutions that work. Thanks to both of you.  I'm using postfix.

    I can now either send emails to a local email client (user@localhost) or to my gmail account, just by setting the savconfig Email parameter to one or the other.  The EmailServer is set to localhost.

    I followed these instructions for the local variant: . I added a local account to Thunderbird and set its smtp server to be for that account as well, just for local mail, so I could test it by manually sending an email from thunderbird to itself.  All my other mail still goes via gmail smtp.  

    I the followed these instructions to get the local mail server to send to my external gmail server: . Since postfix was already installed I reconfigured it for the Inernet using: dpkg-reconfigure postfix .

    In both cases, the test text from was an essential tool to see what worked and what didn't.

    I can now move on from my desktop to my headless system and use gmail for alerts, even if away and listening to music steaming remotely from home.

    I'll mark this answered.  If anyone else is trying to do this and struggling, feel free to ask and I'll try to answer from an ubuntu 16.04/10 perspective.