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accessing to Sophos Safeguard encrypted files


I am going to access encrypted files on a Sophos SafeGuard Enterprise 6.00.x encrypted hdd to copy them (decrypted to a normal USB-Stick).

That is why I have expanded the hdd from the Sophos proctected Notebook (running Windows 7 Professional with Safeguard 6.00.x and pluged the now external hdd via USB-adapter to my own tablet (running only Windows 10).

Which Sophos product (maybe Safeguard 8 trial and which component from all those installers?) do I have to install now on my tablet that I am able to see the files on the encrypted hdd in my windows explorer?

Maybe third party software necessary? Do not want use Sophos SafeGuard for my own purposal, only to copy files for a client which whiches to get his personal files from the notebook of his boss to his private usb.

I was wondering if one let me further know which component of Safeguard 8 trial maybe I can use to access the encrypted drive (external HDD via USB) with the Microsoft Windows Explorer (Windows 10 Professional).

Best regards,


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