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Safeguard on windows 10?

 I'm not sure why this is so complicated.


I'm just trying to install Safeguard on windows 10. We have Safeguard Management Center and client version is

I had a windows 7 machine with safeguard, I uninstalled safeguard/decrypted the drive first and then upgraded my windows to 10.

After installing windows 10, I enabled bitlocker first and then installed safeguard.

This is what I have installed. 

Sophos Safeguard Client

Sophos Safeguard Client Configuration

Sophos Safeguard Preinstall

I can sync with the server just fine but the drive is not encrypting. I read somewhere that bitlocker must be enabled in order to install safeguard which is what I did but its still not encrypting the drive. Under the management center, under computer Encrypted drives number read 0.

What steps am I missing? 

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