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Sophos Encryption Windows 10


I am installing Sophos Safeguard Version 7.0.2 on a Windows 10 laptop.  This is my first as the rest of the environment is still at Windows 7.  The install goes smoothly and

the laptop talks to the Sophos server however does not begin encryption automatically as the Windows 7 machines do.  I do notice that the method is set to Bitlocker mode.

I have been able to manually run Bitlocker and it talks back to the server acknowledging  the encryption.  I guess the question is this normal or should the Bitlocker auto

encrypt.  Also I do not see the normal pre boot Sophos login screen just the manual code you set when creating Bitlocker encryption.  Thanks.  

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  • Hi,

    I've a Laptop which is not working anymore but I've the HDD and connecting to my PC as an External Drive. Now I need to Unlock the drive, I've tried to recover from the Sophos SafeGuard Management Center to Recover the BitLocker Key but it says incorrect key.

    How to recover data from the encrypted HDD Vol.

    Thanks in well Adv.



  • HI - Best to start a new thread really for visibility. 

    In the console can you see if the hostname has communicated with the server recently (obviously before it went wrong and you removed the HDD!)

    It sadly is possible that the key has changed and this change wasn't communicated with the server, but we can look at that possibility in a bit.

    If you can confirm the client recently communicated with the server? From this same tab, could you tell me the state of the client?


    Can you also double check you've got the right hostname?