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Safeguard installation fails

Hi, I have 2 x new Dell E6430 Laptops. We have safeguard 6.01 installed on many other same - and - similar model laptops.

Safeguard appears to go through the installation process correctly, but on rebooting, I get this error: sgn_reboot_error.

if you can't open the link, the text of the error is  

"Safeguard is starting . Please wait..."

i think the important message is

 err=0000e820 - I can't find any instance of this error on the support site or forums.

... other stuff...


I've left a laptop like this for > 24 hours, just in case it was doing something in the background, alas, no joy.

I can't engage the boot-function keys at all - shift F6 etc - doesn't matter how many times I try to reboot, it seems to ignore my key commands. - shift pressed before boot screen, during and after boot screen, tried all sorts of combinations to get the sophos function keys to work

It doesn't seem to matter how the laptop is installed.

I have updated BIOS and all other drivers to latest versions from Dell.

TPM is not enabled.

I have run chkdsk /r from recovery console and also defrag prior to installation. No errors, bad sectors, etc.

First I tried an installation with a ghost image (W7 pro, 32bit etc..) then installed SGN. boom. system halts on reboot.

Then I cleared the disk with DD, did a manual install of windows and apps - nothing special, office, sophos AV, PDF reader, added to domain etc..

I copied the SGN installation folder to the C: drive, reinstalled - the install script does the preinstall first then the client install, then reboots - after a couple of seconds the same message as above appears.

There is a system (boot) partition, however this is NTFS formatted, not RAW, and there is also the usual C: partition.

SGN is being installed with an account that is also a member of the local admins group.

I tried the same process on a second E6430 laptop, the second one installed with Win 7 x64 ultimate (8gb ram) - got the 

exact same error message.

most recently I have managed to run SGNRollback so at least have not had to reinstall the system again, and also have access to the SGN client install logfiles.

What should I try to troubleshoot this? - Any assistance appreciated, I just don't know where to go next.


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