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How to upgrade rhe SGN Client

Hi Team,

We need to understand the below scenario:

Scenario 1:

Suppose we have old server like 6.1 & we have upgraded it to SGN7.0 to SGN 8.1


Now ,

How can we proceed at the client side ,if my version is SGN 6.1 & having the Preinstall,Client & COnfiguration Packegas.


Scenario 2:

If we have 2 server like SGN 6.1 & SGN 8.2 seperatly and we want to move some client which is having the SGN 6.1 version to the new SGN 8.2 Server.


Note here 2 separate servers are available like SGN6.1 & SGN 8.2.


Suppose we have decrypt the all drives which is present on the SGN 6.1 then what is the upgrade process from SGN 6.1 to SGN 8.2


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