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Program stops responding

After logging in, the program becomes unresponsive after making a change, or just after a minute or two. The time out  time is 1900 seconds

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  • To be more specific, I login. In this instance, I was trying to edit and allow for white list websites. I was able to add a website, but when I wanted to edit, I was not allowed. When I attempted, I would get a small box about 0.25” x 3” that had inside “edit white list/blacklist object.” To the right is the? For help and then an  x.. There is an orange line beneath the words “white list/blacklist.” The portion of the rectangle beneath the words is blank. In order to be able to continue to use the program, I either have to login again or, bizarrely, proceed to the help page. This nonresponsiveness can occur in a matter of seconds. Timeout time is set to 1900 seconds.

  • Hi,

    Please post screenshot of the error.


    Sachin Gurung
    Team Lead | Sophos Technical Support
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