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Logic of firewall rulesets?

Hey guys,

this is my first try with SUM and I thought that Firewall Rules are created locally and withing Firewall Rulesets I put them together and deploy them to the firewalls.

After setting up some rules and rulesets I tried to push them, but I'm only able to deploy ONE ruleset. Perhaps I misunderstood rulesets. My thought was:

A ruleset "Internet Access", which has multiple rules for different locations. A ruleset "WSUS" where I put multiple rules regarding WSUS for multiple networks.

Now I want to deploy both of them to my firewalls, but theres only one to deploy?

So my second thought was, ok, I create a new ruleset "ALL" and nested all other rulesets, but this is also not allowed.

No chance to deploy multiple rulesets to a firewall?



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