got a strange error with the virus scanner on an ASG install on a PC. Here is what I captured from the logs:
Last working mail fetch via POP3 was at 2010:09:14-10:50:05 (GMT+2)
Last update before the problem started:
2010:09:14-12:57:01 hobbit audld[30792]: Starting Up2Date Package Downloader
2010:09:14-12:57:01 hobbit audld[30792]: patch up2date possible
2010:09:14-12:57:05 hobbit audld[30792]: id="3701" severity="info" sys="system" sub="up2date" name="Authentication successful"
2010:09:14-12:57:06 hobbit audld[30792]: id="3707" severity="info" sys="system" sub="up2date" name="Successfully synchronized fileset" status="success" action="download" package="avira"
2010:09:14-12:57:06 hobbit auisys[30815]: Starting Up2Date Package Installer
2010:09:14-12:57:07 hobbit auisys[30815]: Searching for available up2date packages for type 'man8'
2010:09:14-12:57:07 hobbit auisys[30815]: id="371D" severity="info" sys="system" sub="up2date" name="No up2date packages available for installation" status="failed" action="preinst_check" package="man8"
2010:09:14-12:57:12 hobbit auisys[30815]: Searching for available up2date packages for type 'avira'
2010:09:14-12:57:12 hobbit auisys[30815]: Installing up2date package file '/var/up2date//avira/u2d-avira-7.2328-2329.patch.tgz.gpg'
2010:09:14-12:57:12 hobbit auisys[30815]: Verifying up2date package signature
2010:09:14-12:57:12 hobbit auisys[30815]: Unpacking installation instructions
2010:09:14-12:57:13 hobbit auisys[30815]: Unpacking up2date package container
2010:09:14-12:57:13 hobbit auisys[30815]: Running pre-installation checks
2010:09:14-12:57:13 hobbit auisys[30815]: Starting up2date package installation
2010:09:14-12:57:25 hobbit auisys[30815]: id="371Z" severity="info" sys="system" sub="up2date" name="Successfully installed Up2Date package" status="success" action="install" package_version="7.2329" package="avira"
2010:09:14-12:57:25 hobbit auisys[30815]: New Pattern Up2Dates installed
2010:09:14-12:57:30 hobbit auisys[30815]: Searching for available up2date packages for type 'ohelpng'
2010:09:14-12:57:30 hobbit auisys[30815]: id="371D" severity="info" sys="system" sub="up2date" name="No up2date packages available for installation" status="failed" action="preinst_check" package="ohelpng"
2010:09:14-12:57:35 hobbit auisys[30815]: id="3716" severity="info" sys="system" sub="up2date" name="Up2date Package Installer finished, exiting"
Repeating errors since then:
2010:09:14-14:19:00 hobbit pop3proxy[1247]: Unknown cssd response: 500 Internal Server Error
2010:09:14-14:19:00 hobbit pop3proxy[1247]: Fatal: Scan failed due to some weird reason
Then the next update was installed but that did not change anything (neither did the following updates):
2010:09:14-14:57:11 hobbit auisys[2241]: Installing up2date package file '/var/up2date//avira/u2d-avira-7.2329-2330.patch.tgz.gpg'
This is what the HTTP proxy reported in the logs (repeated later on):
2010:09:14-14:57:18 hobbit httpproxy[4879]: id="0003" severity="info" sys="SecureWeb" sub="http" request="(nil)" function="avira_reload" file="avirascanner.c" line="502" message="reloading av pattern"
2010:09:14-14:57:18 hobbit httpproxy[4879]: id="0003" severity="info" sys="SecureWeb" sub="http" request="(nil)" function="avira_loaddb" file="avirascanner.c" line="478" message="Avira init failed: 17 (Engine modified)"
2010:09:14-14:57:18 hobbit httpproxy[4879]: id="0003" severity="info" sys="SecureWeb" sub="http" request="(nil)" function="avira_reload" file="avirascanner.c" line="514" message="reloading av pattern finished"
2010:09:14-15:04:32 hobbit httpproxy[4879]: id="0003" severity="info" sys="SecureWeb" sub="http" request="0xeee62c50" function="avira_scan" file="avirascanner.c" line="380" message="failed to get scanner instance"
I tried to refresh the patterns in "/var/storage/chroot-http/var/pattern" using patterndist and rebooted the machine but that did not help.
What looks suspicious to me is the ownerships of the pattern directories:
drwxr-xr-x 5 httpproxy root 4096 2010-09-02 20:50 .
drwxr-xr-x 9 httpproxy root 4096 2010-09-14 20:28 ..
drwxr-xr-x 2 httpproxy root 4096 2010-09-15 23:42 avira
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2010-09-14 18:43 clamav
drwxr-xr-x 2 httpproxy root 4096 2010-09-02 20:50 geoip
I was actually used to have most of these at "root root" which is the case inside for the single files. But since no read access is lost with these permissions I do not think that this is the real reason.
The other thing that looks strange is the message "Avira init failed: 17 (Engine modified)". On a PC I would assume that I caught a virus that tried to kill my AV scanner but this is not very likely on such a gateway.
At this point I have no more idea what might be wrong. Searching the forum and Google did not show any case like this. Maybe someone has an idea.
Thanks for stopping by.
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