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Memory swap usage 9.1GA and UTM220

We have a UTM220 device, upgraded to 9.1 yesterday.

40 devices/users protected.
Network Visibility, POP3 Proxy, RED, Endpoint Protection, WAF and HA are all OFF.
HTTP Proxy web caching is off.
IPS is using only 7980 of 15806 patterns.

75-300 users are recommended by Sophos for this unit type.

However memory swap climbed almost instantly to over 50% of RAM.  I know there has been some discussion on swap usage, but am unsure of the outcome.  CPU looks fine.


Can someone send me a summary of Sophos comments on swap/memory usage as I'd really not like to throw 100-200 users on this device...

This thread was automatically locked due to age.

  • secg97:/root # wget
    --2013-05-25 07:22:37--
    Connecting to||:80... connected.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
    Length: 1223 (1.2K) [text/plain]
    Saving to: `swapusage'

    100%[=============================================================================>] 1,223       --.-K/s   in 0s

    2013-05-25 07:22:41 (85.9 MB/s) - `swapusage' saved [1223/1223]

    secg97:/root # mv swapusage
    secg97:/root # chmod u+x
    secg97:/root # ./
    SwapTotal: 1024.0 MB
    SwapUsed:   416.5 MB
    MB      %       PID     process
    61.7    6.0     26013   snort_inline
    61.3    6.0     26015   snort_inline
    46.4    4.5     3784    mdw.plx
    23.9    2.3     4666    screenmgr.plx
    23.2    2.3     3302    confd.plx
    22.0    2.1     29822   acc-agent.plx
    21.8    2.1     9597    index.plx
    18.3    1.8     4747    smtpd.bin
    17.8    1.7     3172    confd.plx
    17.1    1.7     19144   confd.plx
    16.6    1.6     27109   confd.plx
    14.4    1.4     4708    smtpd.bin
    7.8     0.8     3503    notifier.plx
    7.2     0.7     3264    aua.bin
    7.1     0.7     31152   httpproxy
    6.4     0.6     3876    selfmonng.plx
    5.3     0.5     3828    selfmonng.plx
    4.2     0.4     25895   ipsfb
    2.6     0.3     4254
    2.4     0.2     3128    haveged
    2.2     0.2     4263    named
    2.0     0.2     3222    sysmond
    1.9     0.2     3203    confd-qrunner.p
    1.6     0.2     4259    snmpd
    1.4     0.1     4544    httpd
    1.4     0.1     4537    httpd
    1.2     0.1     5183    afcd
    1.1     0.1     9407    dhcpd
    0.9     0.1     19089   httpd
    0.9     0.1     4788    postgres
    0.9     0.1     19199   httpd
    0.7     0.1     3100    irqd
    0.6     0.1     6363    winbindd
    0.6     0.1     26401   cssd
    0.6     0.1     4652    winbindd
    0.6     0.1     4584    ulogd
    0.6     0.1     6365    winbindd
    0.5     0.0     4589    postgres
    0.5     0.0     4492    openvpn
    0.5     0.0     5912    pluto
    0.4     0.0     2781    syslog-ng
    0.4     0.0     3726    postgres
    0.4     0.0     4658    winbindd
    0.3     0.0     4493    openvpn
    0.3     0.0     3547    rrdcached
    0.3     0.0     3902    udevd
    0.3     0.0     3728    postgres
    0.3     0.0     5492    master
    0.3     0.0     3724    postgres
    0.3     0.0     2780    syslog-ng
    0.3     0.0     6419    qmgr
    0.3     0.0     2353    udevd
    0.2     0.0     3727    postgres
    0.2     0.0     5903    starter
    0.2     0.0     3065    hald-addon-inpu
    0.2     0.0     26118   tlsmgr
    0.2     0.0     3043    hald
    0.2     0.0     3725    postgres
    0.2     0.0     3721    postgres
    0.2     0.0     3081    hald-addon-acpi
    0.2     0.0     5859    udevd
    0.2     0.0     4372    sshd
    0.2     0.0     3723    postgres
    0.1     0.0     4335    cron
    0.1     0.0     22574   ntpd
    0.1     0.0     2812    dbus-daemon
    0.1     0.0     26415   frox
    0.1     0.0     3895    mingetty
    0.1     0.0     8277    postgres
    0.1     0.0     3892    mingetty
    0.1     0.0     3896    mingetty
    0.1     0.0     10180   postgres
    0.1     0.0     3044    hald-runner
    0.1     0.0     3893    mingetty
    0.1     0.0     3894    mingetty
    0.1     0.0     8276    postgres
    0.1     0.0     2797    acpid
    0.1     0.0     3173    logger
    0.1     0.0     6188    _pluto_adns
    0.1     0.0     3891    mingetty
    0.1     0.0     3663    asg_ha_zeroconf
    0.1     0.0     3114    lcm-162
    0.1     0.0     3581    atd
    0.1     0.0     3265    logger
    secg97:/root # free -m
                 total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
    Mem:          1974       1655        318          0         11        483
    -/+ buffers/cache:       1161        812
    Swap:         1023        387        636
    secg97:/root # uptime
     07:22am  up 3 days 23:57,  1 user,  load average: 0.48, 0.24, 0.20
    secg97:/root # version

    Current software version...: 9.100016
    Hardware type..............: 220r5
    Serial number..............: A180640B8796F5A
    Installation image.........: 9.005-16.1
    Installation type..........: msi
    Installed pattern version..: 45986
    Downloaded pattern version.: 45986
    Up2Dates applied...........: 2 (see below)
                                 sys-9.005-9.006-15.5.2.tgz (May 15 03:58)
                                 sys-9.006-9.100-5.16.1.tgz (May 15 04:02)
    Up2Dates available.........: 0
    Factory resets.............: 1
    Timewarps detected.........: 4

  • secg97:/root # wget
    --2013-05-25 07:22:37--
    Connecting to||:80... connected.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
    Length: 1223 (1.2K) [text/plain]
    Saving to: `swapusage'

    100%[=============================================================================>] 1,223       --.-K/s   in 0s

    2013-05-25 07:22:41 (85.9 MB/s) - `swapusage' saved [1223/1223]

    secg97:/root # mv swapusage
    secg97:/root # chmod u+x
    secg97:/root # ./
    SwapTotal: 1024.0 MB
    SwapUsed:   416.5 MB
    MB      %       PID     process
    61.7    6.0     26013   snort_inline
    61.3    6.0     26015   snort_inline
    46.4    4.5     3784    mdw.plx
    23.9    2.3     4666    screenmgr.plx
    23.2    2.3     3302    confd.plx
    22.0    2.1     29822   acc-agent.plx
    21.8    2.1     9597    index.plx
    18.3    1.8     4747    smtpd.bin
    17.8    1.7     3172    confd.plx
    17.1    1.7     19144   confd.plx
    16.6    1.6     27109   confd.plx
    14.4    1.4     4708    smtpd.bin
    7.8     0.8     3503    notifier.plx
    7.2     0.7     3264    aua.bin
    7.1     0.7     31152   httpproxy
    6.4     0.6     3876    selfmonng.plx
    5.3     0.5     3828    selfmonng.plx
    4.2     0.4     25895   ipsfb
    2.6     0.3     4254
    2.4     0.2     3128    haveged
    2.2     0.2     4263    named
    2.0     0.2     3222    sysmond
    1.9     0.2     3203    confd-qrunner.p
    1.6     0.2     4259    snmpd
    1.4     0.1     4544    httpd
    1.4     0.1     4537    httpd
    1.2     0.1     5183    afcd
    1.1     0.1     9407    dhcpd
    0.9     0.1     19089   httpd
    0.9     0.1     4788    postgres
    0.9     0.1     19199   httpd
    0.7     0.1     3100    irqd
    0.6     0.1     6363    winbindd
    0.6     0.1     26401   cssd
    0.6     0.1     4652    winbindd
    0.6     0.1     4584    ulogd
    0.6     0.1     6365    winbindd
    0.5     0.0     4589    postgres
    0.5     0.0     4492    openvpn
    0.5     0.0     5912    pluto
    0.4     0.0     2781    syslog-ng
    0.4     0.0     3726    postgres
    0.4     0.0     4658    winbindd
    0.3     0.0     4493    openvpn
    0.3     0.0     3547    rrdcached
    0.3     0.0     3902    udevd
    0.3     0.0     3728    postgres
    0.3     0.0     5492    master
    0.3     0.0     3724    postgres
    0.3     0.0     2780    syslog-ng
    0.3     0.0     6419    qmgr
    0.3     0.0     2353    udevd
    0.2     0.0     3727    postgres
    0.2     0.0     5903    starter
    0.2     0.0     3065    hald-addon-inpu
    0.2     0.0     26118   tlsmgr
    0.2     0.0     3043    hald
    0.2     0.0     3725    postgres
    0.2     0.0     3721    postgres
    0.2     0.0     3081    hald-addon-acpi
    0.2     0.0     5859    udevd
    0.2     0.0     4372    sshd
    0.2     0.0     3723    postgres
    0.1     0.0     4335    cron
    0.1     0.0     22574   ntpd
    0.1     0.0     2812    dbus-daemon
    0.1     0.0     26415   frox
    0.1     0.0     3895    mingetty
    0.1     0.0     8277    postgres
    0.1     0.0     3892    mingetty
    0.1     0.0     3896    mingetty
    0.1     0.0     10180   postgres
    0.1     0.0     3044    hald-runner
    0.1     0.0     3893    mingetty
    0.1     0.0     3894    mingetty
    0.1     0.0     8276    postgres
    0.1     0.0     2797    acpid
    0.1     0.0     3173    logger
    0.1     0.0     6188    _pluto_adns
    0.1     0.0     3891    mingetty
    0.1     0.0     3663    asg_ha_zeroconf
    0.1     0.0     3114    lcm-162
    0.1     0.0     3581    atd
    0.1     0.0     3265    logger
    secg97:/root # free -m
                 total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
    Mem:          1974       1655        318          0         11        483
    -/+ buffers/cache:       1161        812
    Swap:         1023        387        636
    secg97:/root # uptime
     07:22am  up 3 days 23:57,  1 user,  load average: 0.48, 0.24, 0.20
    secg97:/root # version

    Current software version...: 9.100016
    Hardware type..............: 220r5
    Serial number..............: A180640B8796F5A
    Installation image.........: 9.005-16.1
    Installation type..........: msi
    Installed pattern version..: 45986
    Downloaded pattern version.: 45986
    Up2Dates applied...........: 2 (see below)
                                 sys-9.005-9.006-15.5.2.tgz (May 15 03:58)
                                 sys-9.006-9.100-5.16.1.tgz (May 15 04:02)
    Up2Dates available.........: 0
    Factory resets.............: 1
    Timewarps detected.........: 4
No Data