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Traffic Shaping


i set traffic shaping rules on my xg firewall ..mainly to limit the usage of internet to certain group as i am on VSAT and the data is extremely expensive

i have few questions : 

  1. should i change the bandwidth in the traffic shaping settings page ? i have 2.25 Mbps download and 0.75 Mbps upload ... if yes , should i add both incoming and outgoing bandwidth ?!
  2. what does enforce guaranteed bandwidth means ?!
  3. in show bandwidth usage i am getting weird numbers .. what are they exactly ?!



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  • Hi TarekHalloun,

    Yes, you should update the total WAN bandwith, this will only  help XG to know your WAN speed and process the traffic base on priority when there  is a short of bandwith. You need to create your Traffic Shaping policy and apply it on User/Group/Firewall Rule as per your requirement. In your case you can set it to 2.25Mbps P.S. you need to convert it in KBps.

    Enforce Guaranteed Bandwidth

    The Administrator can enforce the handling of all internet-bound traffic by any Traffic Shaping Policy applied to it. If there is no policy applied to the traffic, it will be handled by the Default Policy.

    Enable to enforce bandwidth restriction on the traffic to which the Traffic Shaping Policy is not applied.

    Disable if you do not want to enforce bandwidth restriction on the traffic to which the Traffic Shaping Policy is not applied. It will only handle traffic on which the Traffic Shaping Policy is applied.

    Regards, Ronak.

  • helo Ronak 

    in the total bandwidth i should only put the incoming bandwidth (download) , or the total or incoming and outgoing bandwidth ?

    my download is different than my upload bandwidth