Important note about SSL VPN compatibility for 20.0 MR1 with EoL SFOS versions and UTM9 OS. Learn more in the release notes.

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DHCP Server Not handing out Leases

Hi all,

I am new with Sophos, literally day 3 for this to run on my network.

DHCP Server is behaving very strange.

Sometimes it would work flawlessly and other times it would just stop handing out leases.

I have to turn off the status of the DHCP Range and then when I turn this back on it would hand out leases again.

If I turn the DHCP Server off and back on under System Services --> Services it has got no effect on the leases.

If i manually set static addresses ether on the device or under the dhcp server everything seems fine.

DHCP Server Config

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Parents Reply
  • I can't test it now but your dynamic IP lease range is outside your static leases - try to set the End IP to and test it again.


    Sophos SG 210 with Sophos XG Home - 20.0 MR 1

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