Important note about SSL VPN compatibility for 20.0 MR1 with EoL SFOS versions and UTM9 OS. Learn more in the release notes.

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My issue is I have a 2nd DMZ zone that also has the same WAN source zone as DMZ 1.


WAN is my IP

DMZ 1 - Windows Server

DMZ 2 - Linux Server



The rule I have in place allows for the Destination Service to forward to DMZ 1. If I make another rule for DMZ 2 then obviously everything gets routed to DMZ 2 so thats not helpful.

I have also tried a WAF rule with domains and both servers accounted for but the issue I get here is that DMZ 2 loads very very slowly if at all. Everything on DMZ 1 is then classified as Forbidden. 


My goal is to have my domains come the WAN, then look for its server on DMZ 1 and if that domain is not housed there,then look for its home on DMZ 2.


I have tried putting both servers on DMZ 1 but the end resulted in all the domains on the Windows server resolved with the domain thats on the Linux server.

To give it perspective- if my Windows server had and my Linux server had, every time I go to the page would show as the web address but would show bings webpage.


So is having 2 different web servers on Sophos XG possible with one WAN IP? If so, I suspect its a WAF rule that needs to be implemented but why would the domains be forbidden with this rule enforced?

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