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[Please Read] How to report a bug (or what a good bug report looks like)

We greatly appreciate it when someone takes time out of their day to evaluate our EAP and provide feedback.  In the spirit of expediently understanding, triaging, and resolving a discovered bug, we put together a basic guideline for how to submit a bug report.   Having the correct data upfront will help fast-path the entire process. It's not a requirement to follow the example listed below but it is strongly encouraged, where possible.   If we get as much data as possible upfront it'll save cycles going back and forth to collect more data later.   We want to save you time and fix issues as fast as we can.   Let's first start with an example of what not do:

Example BAD bug report:

I upgraded to v18, tried to using reporting and I couldn't.

We get it, you're busy and may not have enough time to capture the details for what is broken.  Unfortunately, in this example, there isn't enough detail to understand what feature is broken, how it is behaving, how you expect it behave, and without supporting data, it's difficult to understand what we need to investigate and how.  In brief, we need a lot more data to help you out. As Jerry Maguire said, 'help me, help you!'

Example GOOD bug report template:

What feature is impacted?

What is the severity of the issue? (High, medium, low, minimal)

Summary of the issues:

Observed behavior (What it did or didn’t do):

Desired behavior (How is it expected to or should behave):

How do we reproduce it (Provide instructions to help us reproduce the behavior):

Other (Any other detail that we need to know about):

Supporting logs, screenshots, video, etc..:

Example GOOD bug report:

Feature and severity: I have a bug with the date picker and it's minimal.

Summary: Sometimes, the picker doesn't allow me to click on a specific date.

Observed behavior: I opened the calendar, clicked on the 12th, clicked on the 14th, then attempted to click on the 13th.  It would not let me click on the 13th. 

Desired: I should be able to select the date I need

Reproduce it: Open the bandwidth report, click the time range, and follow the steps in the observed behavior.

Supporting screenshots, logs: <Insert screenshot, video, or even browser dev logs>  

Again, the more data we can get upfront, the faster we can address the issue that you've found.  We obviously hope that you don't find defects but we greatly appreciate any reported defects.   Thanks for your support and for helping us to improve!