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Advisory: Reflexion - Delayed delivery of outbound and inbound email

Hi everyone,

Sophos is currently investigating an issue with Reflexion is that is causing delayed delivery of inbound and outbound mail. No mail will be lost, as it will be queued for delivery.
Our development and operations team are actively working to resolve this issue.

Please follow the links below for the latest updates: 

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  • @Sophos @Reflexion

    We have all been asking for answers and with each vague status update our requests are being evaded. This is very POOR business practices and unacceptable.


    What was the cause of this outage?

    What are the steps needed in order to recover from the outage?

    Exactly which steps have been completed, in progress, and not yet started on?

    Explain exactly where mail is being queued and why it's taking so long for the backlog to get to us.

    Please explain why there have been bounce backs and do you have a log of these so that action can be taken on each item?


    HOW is this going to be prevented in the future? Something must change and we are due insight to this.


    These are NOT question, they are NOT requests, they are in fact DEMANDS and we all expect answers IMMEDIATELY!



    Probable former MSP customer along with all of our clients (that we still have after this fiasco)

  • I will say I've been receiving all hours support from my Sophos rep here in CA but he has no insight.  Hard to believe there is no management response as of almost noon Eastern.

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