Is letsencrypt direct supported now?


in the announcement of 9.5 is a part native support for letsencrypt direct in interface. Is it available under the hood and can we active it already or did we have to wait for one of the next up2date pakets? 

kind regards


Parents Reply
  • During the registration with Lets Encrypt, you have to prove you own the domain in question by placing a special file in a specific (externally-visible) location. The challenge is, if you're not using WAF, how will the UTM automatically expose this file externally to complete the Lets Encrypt registration?

    I think you misunderstood what is meant by "domain" for LetsEncrypt, you do not have to prove for the root domain, you need to prove for each sub domain (also known as a host), so using LetsEncrypt for does not require access to wherever the "naked" domain is served.

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