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WAF & Sharepoint guide?

I can't seem to get a sharepoint site published via WAF.

Internally, the sharepoint site is:intranet/.../Home.aspx

I can link to other internal web servers etc but this one is a pain.

Internally, if I type http://intranet, it will redirect me to http://intranet/Pages/Home.aspx

If I try this with WAF, I get to the default root IIS web page so I know I'm hitting the actual server. If I then go to /Pages/Home.aspx, I get a 404.

Any ideas?

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  • Well, I got a little further and can now see the sharepoint site. The webparts ain't displaying properly though but I'm a step nearer. Anybody know what this could be?

    Problem was not filling in domain/realm with domain name on the basic authentication on sharepoint.

  • What setting do you have for 'Rewrite HTML' for this server, Louis - have you tried changing that?

    Cheers - Bob

    Sophos UTM Community Moderator
    Sophos Certified Architect - UTM
    Sophos Certified Engineer - XG
    Gold Solution Partner since 2005
    MediaSoft, Inc. USA
  • I was following this post but I'm not sure whether it's correct. Putting in "Rewrite HTML" got me a little further as that post had "Pass Host Header" and that didn't seem to help.

    I can get through but the web parts ain't showing although they do show internally.

    I've checked again and the UTM is definitely sending the authentication through as I've used 2 different login names and they change on sharepoint.

    For some reason, sharepoint just ain't allowing me to see the web parts. Any sharepoint experts here??

  • Now putting this down to Microsoft & patching as I can get to certain parts of the sharepoint site but certain webparts are not showing which is documented on the web.

    We will update tomorrow night and I'll keep you posted.

  • You might find the following guide for OWA helpful: Configure UTM WAF for Microsoft Exchange Services.

    Cheers - Bob

    Sophos UTM Community Moderator
    Sophos Certified Architect - UTM
    Sophos Certified Engineer - XG
    Gold Solution Partner since 2005
    MediaSoft, Inc. USA
  • I was barking up the wrong tree with the patching etc. The issue was with sharepoint and the way I had extended the site with the external url and the sharepoint zone.

    It was strange because half of the sharepoint site was showing ok but other webparts were showing "Unable to view webpart......"

    In the end, I extented the sharepoint site again (which you must do) and then created an alternative mapping which had the internal & external url.

    Only issue I have now is that some of the links we have on the front page actually link to other web servers so it looks as though they are going to have to be entered into the reverse proxy.

  • I was barking up the wrong tree with the patching etc. The issue was with sharepoint and the way I had extended the site with the external url and the sharepoint zone.

    It was strange because half of the sharepoint site was showing ok but other webparts were showing "Unable to view webpart......"

    In the end, I extented the sharepoint site again (which you must do) and then created an alternative mapping which had the internal & external url.

    Only issue I have now is that some of the links we have on the front page actually link to other web servers so it looks as though they are going to have to be entered into the reverse proxy.

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