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Office365 deployment best practice

We are in the process of migrating to Office365. As part of the process, the networked is evaluated and the first recommendation by Microsoft is to remove any proxies from the path between the user and Office365. The problem with this is that MS has a ton of IP Address ranges and URLs.

The primary guidelines are:

  1. Use a proxy PAC files to send all the MS URLs direct.
  2. Create policies on the firewall to allow all IP ranges and URLs

Really good overview of their philosophy from Ignite:

Here is the entire IP/URL List in XML format:

The problem I see is managing the list of IP Addresses and URLs. The list is long and changes somewhat frequently, so it's not just a matter of doing it once, you have to maintain it. As far as I know, there is no Network object in the UTM that let's you drop a list of subnets. That wouldn't be bad. But it appears that each subnet has to be created as a network definition and them maybe added to a group. But some places in Sophos do not accept groups, so then each subnet would have to be dragged one at a time in the interface. Again tedious to implement and more tedious to maintain.

I could use the API, but that would have to be run against each UTM. This will take a bit of work to implement, but may be the best solution long term.

Has anyone discovered an easy solution to keeping this type of thing up to date?

This thread was automatically locked due to age.
  • Hi everyone,

    the solution with XML File is not working anymore. Anyone could adapt this solution with JSON?

    Office 365 network IP Addresses and URLs are no longer available in XML format. You should transition to accessing the data in JSON format as described at This was first announced on 2 April 2018 and the XML file was last updated on 22 September 2018.
    Best regards
  • This is what's worked for us as of 5/20/19.   I combined the logic from the scripts that update network definitions and URL scanning exceptions, and made some minor modifications to process the json formatted data and allow the script to run through our proxy.   The variables holding the Sophos API URL and token etc just need to be populated.  I've also modified the script to run without parameters. 





    This script downloads the IP list from the Microsoft web service, adds/removes Sophos Network Objects and creates/modifies a Group of Networks and SSL scanning exceptions.
    Sophos API Enabled
    Local Sophos account with admin privelages configured with an API Key

    Input Parameter: $UTM
    Script expects a hashtable to be passed in the following format:
    @{UTM = '';
    URL = 'https://<sophos IP>:4444/api';
    KEY = '';
    DBG = $true/$false - activates pause in script}

    $utmvalues = @{"UTM" = ""; "URL" = "https://<sophos IP>:4444/api"; "KEY" = ""}


    [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12

    # might be needed to resolve 'could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel' errors when attempting to authenticate to the UTM

    if (-not ([System.Management.Automation.PSTypeName]'ServerCertificateValidationCallback').Type)
    $certCallback = @"
    using System;
    using System.Net;
    using System.Net.Security;
    using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
    public class ServerCertificateValidationCallback
    public static void Ignore()
    if(ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback ==null)
    ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback +=
    Object obj,
    X509Certificate certificate,
    X509Chain chain,
    SslPolicyErrors errors
    return true;
    Add-Type $certCallback


    # run without params
    # Param([parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$utm)

    $ws = "" # webservice root URL
    $datapath = "C:\users\<username>\desktop\scripts\sophos\endpoints_clientid_latestversion.txt" # path where client ID and latest version number will be stored
    $exceptionUrlList = @() # Sophos Exception list
    # Personalize the Tenant name.
    $tenantName = '' # API Tenant ID
    $comment = 'Microsoft URL | ' + (Get-Date).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + ' PS1'
    # $apiURL = $utm.URL
    $apiURL = ''
    $exceptionUri = $apiURL + '/objects/http/exception/'
    $networkURI = $apiURL + '/objects/network/network/'
    $groupURI = $apiURL + '/objects/network/group/'
    $resultCSV = 'C:\users\<username>\desktop\scripts\sophos\resultList.csv'
    $exceptionUrls = @() # processed list of URLs for Sophos Formatting
    $msGroup = @() #Sophos Network Group that will contain all of the network objects created
    $utmNetList = @() #All Networks retrieved from the UTM
    $msNetList = @() #UTM Networks filtered for MS-
    $ipList = @() #IP Addresses downloaded from Microsoft XML
    $ipNetList = @() #IP Addresses parsed into Network format
    $resultList = @() #Dispositon of networks for notification - Personalize the mail server and recipient/sender information
    $emailHeader = @{smtpserver = '';
    subject = 'Microsoft IPv4 Address Update for the Sophos UTM';
    to = '<user>';
    from = '<user>'}


    # Must have corresponding account configured with token on UTM
    # $token = $utm.KEY

    $token = ''
    $tokenBase64 = [Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::Default.GetBytes("token:" + $token))

    # Common headers required by Sophos API
    # $headers = @{}

    $headers = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String],[String]]"

    $headers.add("Accept", "application/json")
    $headers.add("Content-Type", "application/json")
    $headers.add("Authorization",'Basic ' + $tokenBase64)

    # Sets the TLS level to match Sophos
    $AllProtocols = [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]'Tls,Tls11,Tls12'
    [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = $AllProtocols

    # Retrieve the existing list of MS subnets from Sophos
    write-host -ForegroundColor Cyan Retrieving the existing list of MS subnets from Sophos
    $utmNetList = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $networkURI -Method Get -Headers $headers
    $msNetList = $utmNetList | where {$_.comment -like 'Microsoft URL*' -and $ -like 'MS-*'}

    # Retrieve the existing list of HTTP Exceptions from Sophos
    write-host -ForegroundColor Cyan Retrieving the existing list of HTTP Exceptions from Sophos
    $utmExceptionList = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $exceptionUri -Method Get -Headers $headers
    $msExceptionList = $utmExceptionList | where {$_.comment -like 'Microsoft*PS1*' -and $ -like 'Microsoft Office365 URL*'}

    # fetch client ID and version if data file exists; otherwise create new file
    if (Test-Path $datapath) {
    $content = Get-Content $datapath
    $clientRequestId = $content[0]
    $lastVersion = $content[1]
    } else {
    $clientRequestId = [GUID]::NewGuid().Guid
    $lastVersion = "0000000000"
    @($clientRequestId, $lastVersion) | Out-File $datapath

    # authentication to the proxy server

    $Wcl = new-object System.Net.WebClient
    $Wcl.Headers.Add(“user-agent”, “PowerShell Script”)
    $Wcl.Proxy.Credentials = [System.Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultNetworkCredentials

    # call version method to check the latest version, and pull new data if version number is different
    # tenant name unnecessary

    $version = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri ($ws + "/version/Worldwide?clientRequestId=" + $clientRequestId)

    if ($version.latest -ge $lastVersion) {
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "New version of Office 365 worldwide commercial service instance endpoints detected"

    # write the new version number to the data file
    @($clientRequestId, $version.latest) | Out-File $datapath

    # invoke endpoints method to get the new data
    $endpointSets = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri ($ws + "/endpoints/Worldwide?clientRequestId=" + $clientRequestId)

    # filter results for Allow and Optimize endpoints, and transform these into custom objects with port and category

    $flatUrls = $endpointSets | ForEach-Object {
    $endpointSet = $_
    $urls = $(if ($endpointSet.urls.Count -gt 0) { $endpointSet.urls } else { @() })
    $urlCustomObjects = @()
    if ($endpointSet.category -in ("Allow", "Optimize")) {
    $urlCustomObjects = $urls | ForEach-Object {
    category = $endpointSet.category;
    url = $_;
    tcpPorts = $endpointSet.tcpPorts;
    udpPorts = $endpointSet.udpPorts;

    $flatIps = $endpointSets | ForEach-Object {
    $endpointSet = $_
    $ips = $(if ($endpointSet.ips.Count -gt 0) { $endpointSet.ips } else { @() })
    # IPv4 strings have dots while IPv6 strings have colons
    $ip4s = $ips | Where-Object { $_ -like '*.*' }

    $ipCustomObjects = @()
    if ($endpointSet.category -in ("Allow", "Optimize")) {
    $ipCustomObjects = $ip4s | ForEach-Object {
    category = $endpointSet.category;
    ip = $_;
    tcpPorts = $endpointSet.tcpPorts;
    udpPorts = $endpointSet.udpPorts;

    Write-Output "IPV4 Firewall IP Address Ranges"
    ($flatIps.ip | Sort-Object -Unique) -join "," | Out-String

    Write-Output "URLs for Proxy Server"
    ($flatUrls.url | Sort-Object -Unique) -join "," | Out-String

    # Format IP List into Network hashtable

    $ipList = ($flatIps.ip | Sort-Object -Unique) -join "," | Out-String
    $iplist = $iplist -replace "`n|`r",""

    # initialize ipNetList as an array

    $ipNetList = @()

    $ipList.split(',') | Foreach-object {
    $ipaddress = $_.split('/')[0]
    $netmask = $_.split('/')[1]
    $name = 'MS-' + $_.split('/')[0]
    $subnet = @{address = $ipaddress;
    address6 = "";
    comment = $comment;
    interface = "";
    name = $name;
    netmask = $netmask;
    netmask6 = "0";
    resolved = $true;
    resolved6 = $false}
    $subnet = $subnet | convertto-json | convertfrom-json
    $ipNetlist += $subnet


    # Add new subnets to Sophos UTM

    $resultList = @()

    foreach ($ipNet in $ipNetList)
    $action = ""
    $ref = ""
    $result = @()
    if ($msNetList -match $
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow $ already exists
    $action = 'Exists'
    $ref = ($msNetList | where {$ -eq $})._ref
    Write-Host -foregroundcolor Yellow Need to create network object $ on Sophos UTM
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 3
    $result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $networkURI -Method Post -Headers $headers -Body (ConvertTo-Json $ipNet)
    if ($ -eq $
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green Subnet created successfully
    $action = 'Added'
    $ref = $result._ref
    $action = 'AddFailed'

    $resultList += @{action = $action; network = $; _ref = $ref}

    #if ($utm.DBG){pause}


    # Old Subnets to remove from Sophos UTM

    foreach ($msNet in $msNetList)
    $action = ""
    if ($ipNetList -match $
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow $ is still valid
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red Need to remove network object $ from Sophos UTM
    $action = 'Remove'
    $resultList += @{action = $action; network = $; _ref = $msNet._ref}
    #if ($utm.DBG){pause}

    # Update "Microsoft IPv4 Subnets" group if any subnets added or removed

    if (($resultList | where {$_.action -eq "Added"}).count -gt 0 -or ($resultList | where {$_.action -eq "Remove"}).count -gt 0)
    $result = @()
    $msGrpMembers = @()
    $grpBody = @{}
    $networkGroups = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $groupURI -Method Get -Headers $headers
    $msGroup = $networkGroups | where {$ -eq 'Microsoft IPv4 Subnets'}
    if ($ -ne 'Microsoft IPv4 Subnets')
    $grpMethod = 'Post'
    $msGroupUri = $groupURI
    $grpMethod = 'Patch'
    $msGroupUri = $groupURI + $msGroup._ref
    foreach ($result in $resultList)
    if ($result.action -ne 'Remove')
    $msGrpMembers += $result._ref
    $grpBody = @{comment = $comment;
    name = "Microsoft IPv4 Subnets";
    members = $msGrpMembers}
    Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $msGroupUri -Method $grpMethod -Headers $headers -Body (ConvertTo-Json $grpBody)
    $resultList.ForEach({[PSCustomObject]$_}) | Export-Csv $resultCSV -Force -NoTypeInformation
    $emailHeader.Add('Body', 'Result file attached')
    $emailHeader.Add('Attachments', $resultCSV)


    $emailHeader.Add('Body','No IP address changes made this run')

    # Remove unused subnets from Sophos UTM

    if (($resultList | where {$_.action -eq "Remove"}).count -gt 0)
    $result = @()
    $msGrpMembers = @()
    $grpBody = @{}
    $headers.add("X-Restd-Err-Ack", "all")
    foreach ($result in $resultList)
    if ($result.action -eq 'Remove')
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red Deleting Network object $
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 3
    $delNetURI = $networkURI + $result._ref
    Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $delNetURI -Method Delete -Headers $headers -Body (ConvertTo-Json $ipNet)

    # Sends e-mail with list of ranges and action taken

    Send-MailMessage @emailHeader

    # Modifies the URLs for Sophos and populates the $exceptionUrls array

    foreach ($url in $flatUrls.url){
    $newUrl = ''
    if ($url -like '`*-*') {
    $newUrl = ($url).Replace('.','\.').Replace('*-','^https?://companyname-') # Replace with specific company name - might use the TenantID variable
    } elseif ($url -like '`*.*'){
    $newUrl = ($url).Replace('.','\.').Replace('*\.','^https?://[^.]*\.')
    } else {
    $newUrl = '^https?://' + ($url -replace '\.','\.')
    $exceptionUrls = $exceptionUrls += $newUrl

    if ($ -eq 0){
    $exceptionMethod = 'Post'
    $msExceptionUri = $exceptionUri
    } elseif ($ -eq 1){
    $exceptionMethod = 'Patch'
    $msExceptionUri = $exceptionUri + $msExceptionList._ref

    <#Options for the skiplist
    av -- anti-virus
    cache -- Caching
    certcheck -- Certificate Trust Check
    certdate -- Certificate Date Check
    check_max_download -- Block by download size
    content_removal -- Content removal
    contenttype_blacklist -- MIME type blocking
    extensions -- Extension blocking
    log_access -- Logging Accessed pages
    log_blocked -- Logging Blocked pages
    patience -- Do not display Download/Scan progress page
    ssl_scanning -- SSL Scanning
    url_filter -- URL Filter
    user_auth -- Authentication
    $skipList = @('ssl_scanning')

    # $msUrlList = ConvertTo-Json $exceptionUrls

    $exceptionBody = @()

    $exceptionBody = @{'aaa' = @();
    'comment' = $comment;
    'domains' = $exceptionUrls;
    'endpoints_groups' = @();
    'name' = 'Microsoft Office365 URLs';
    'networks' = @();
    'operator' = 'AND';
    'skiplist' = $skipList;
    'sp_categories' = @();
    'status' = $true;
    'tags' = @();
    'user_agents' = @()

    Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $msExceptionUri -Method $exceptionMethod -Headers $headers -Body (ConvertTo-Json $exceptionBody) # TODO Call Send-MailMessage with new endpoints data
    else {
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Magenta "Office 365 worldwide commercial service instance endpoints are up-to-date"

  • this is all for UTM, which i think is the predecessor to XG firewall. 


    When i go to create an API key using the XG documentation, i am left with a like 1000 character ppk file, not these small API keys that you are using.

    Also it appears that the latest version of the script has key definitions at the top commented out. (URL, KEY , etc...)


    Does this procedure work for an XG firewall?

    is the $token the shorter "SSH2 PUBLIC KEY" that i pasted into the firewall? or is it the longer private key?


    i dont have a helper script. just one script (GP admin may 20th version). I populated the variables $datapath (ln 62) $apiURL (ln 68), $TenantName (ln 65), $token (ln 90)

    Another thing to note is that i had to change the "fancy" quotes from fancy to standard, or the script errors out on line 132.


    i still get the following errors on manual run on the console. I am pretty sure my API key is working, because when i use the private PPK file in putty to connect to the firewall it connects fine (after using the username admin):


    Retrieving the existing list of MS subnets from Sophos
    Invoke-RestMethod :
    Error:404 Page not found
    Check the entered URL.
    At C:\Users\administrator\Desktop\Updateo365IPsSophos.ps1:109 char:15
    + ... tmNetList = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $networkURI -Method Get -Headers $ ...
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (System.Net.HttpWebRequest:HttpWebRequest) [Invoke-RestMethod], WebExc
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : WebCmdletWebResponseException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeRestMethodCommand


    Need to create network object MS- on Sophos UTM
    Invoke-RestMethod :
    Error:404 Page not found
    Check the entered URL.
    At C:\Users\administrator\Desktop\Updateo365IPsSophos.ps1:247 char:11
    + $result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $networkURI -Method Post -Headers $h ...
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (System.Net.HttpWebRequest:HttpWebRequest) [Invoke-RestMethod], WebExc
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : WebCmdletWebResponseException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeRestMethodCommand

  • this is all for UTM, which i think is the predecessor to XG firewall. 


    When i go to create an API key using the XG documentation, i am left with a like 1000 character ppk file, not these small API keys that you are using.

    Also it appears that the latest version of the script has key definitions at the top commented out. (URL, KEY , etc...)


    Does this procedure work for an XG firewall?

    is the $token the shorter "SSH2 PUBLIC KEY" that i pasted into the firewall? or is it the longer private key?


    i dont have a helper script. just one script (GP admin may 20th version). I populated the variables $datapath (ln 62) $apiURL (ln 68), $TenantName (ln 65), $token (ln 90)

    Another thing to note is that i had to change the "fancy" quotes from fancy to standard, or the script errors out on line 132.


    i still get the following errors on manual run on the console. I am pretty sure my API key is working, because when i use the private PPK file in putty to connect to the firewall it connects fine (after using the username admin):


    Retrieving the existing list of MS subnets from Sophos
    Invoke-RestMethod :
    Error:404 Page not found
    Check the entered URL.
    At C:\Users\administrator\Desktop\Updateo365IPsSophos.ps1:109 char:15
    + ... tmNetList = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $networkURI -Method Get -Headers $ ...
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (System.Net.HttpWebRequest:HttpWebRequest) [Invoke-RestMethod], WebExc
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : WebCmdletWebResponseException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeRestMethodCommand


    Need to create network object MS- on Sophos UTM
    Invoke-RestMethod :
    Error:404 Page not found
    Check the entered URL.
    At C:\Users\administrator\Desktop\Updateo365IPsSophos.ps1:247 char:11
    + $result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $networkURI -Method Post -Headers $h ...
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (System.Net.HttpWebRequest:HttpWebRequest) [Invoke-RestMethod], WebExc
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : WebCmdletWebResponseException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeRestMethodCommand

  • Using Tims ace work in this thread as a base, we did have to make a few changes to get this working on our systems (windows 8.1 PS to UTM9.5). I post it here to help anyone else who finds this thread.



    This script downloads the IP list from the Microsoft web service, adds/removes Sophos Network Objects and creates/modifies a Group of Networks and SSL scanning exceptions.
    Sophos API Enabled
    Local Sophos account with admin privelages configured with an API Key

    Input Parameter: $UTM
    Script expects a hashtable to be passed in the following format:
    @{UTM = '';
    URL = '';
    KEY = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;
    DBG = $true/$false - activates pause in script}

    $utmvalues = @{"UTM" = ""; "URL" = ""; "KEY" = ""}

    @{UTM = '';
    URL = '
    KEY = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
    DBG = $false}

    [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12

    # run without params
    # Param([parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$utm)

    $ws = "" # webservice root URL
    $datapath = "C:\sophosscript\sophos\endpoints_clientid_latestversion.txt" # path where client ID and latest version number will be stored
    $exceptionUrlList = @() # Sophos Exception list
    # Personalize the Tenant name.
    $tenantName = '' # API Tenant ID
    $comment = 'Microsoft URL | ' + (Get-Date).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + ' PS1'
    $apiURL = ""
    $exceptionUri = $apiURL + '/objects/http/exception/'
    $networkURI = $apiURL + '/objects/network/network/'
    $groupURI = $apiURL + '/objects/network/group/'
    $resultCSV = 'C:\sophosscript\sophos\resultList.csv'
    $exceptionUrls = @() # processed list of URLs for Sophos Formatting
    $msGroup = @() #Sophos Network Group that will contain all of the network objects created
    $utmNetList = @() #All Networks retrieved from the UTM
    $msNetList = @() #UTM Networks filtered for MS-
    $ipList = @() #IP Addresses downloaded from Microsoft XML
    $ipNetList = @() #IP Addresses parsed into Network format
    $resultList = @() #Dispositon of networks for notification - Personalize the mail server and recipient/sender information
    $emailHeader = @{smtpserver = '';
    subject = "Microsoft IPv4 Address Update for the Sophos UTM";
    to = "";
    from = ""}

    # Must have corresponding account configured with token on UTM
    # $token = $utm.KEY

    $token = ''
    $tokenBase64 = [Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::Default.GetBytes("token:" + $token))

    # Common headers required by Sophos API
    # $headers = @{}

    $headers = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String],[String]]"

    $headers.add("Accept", "application/json")
    $headers.add("Content-Type", "application/json")
    #$headers.add("Authorization",'Basic ' + $tokenBase64)
    $headers.add("Authorization", "Basic bG9jYXBpMTAwOmhqZDg0bnhkcDk4aGpvaWJo")

    # Sets the TLS level to match Sophos
    $AllProtocols = [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]'Tls,Tls11,Tls12'
    [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = $AllProtocols

    # Retrieve the existing list of MS subnets from Sophos
    write-host -ForegroundColor Cyan Retrieving the existing list of MS subnets from Sophos

    echo "Network URI is"
    echo $networkURI
    $utmNetList = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $networkURI -Method Get -Headers $headers
    $msNetList = $utmNetList | where {$_.comment -like 'Microsoft URL*' -and $ -like 'MS-*'}

    # Retrieve the existing list of HTTP Exceptions from Sophos
    write-host -ForegroundColor Cyan Retrieving the existing list of HTTP Exceptions from Sophos
    $utmExceptionList = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $exceptionUri -Method Get -Headers $headers
    $msExceptionList = $utmExceptionList | where {$_.comment -like 'Microsoft*PS1*' -and $ -like 'Microsoft Office365 URL*'}

    # fetch client ID and version if data file exists; otherwise create new file
    if (Test-Path $datapath) {
    $content = Get-Content $datapath
    $clientRequestId = $content[0]
    $lastVersion = $content[1]
    } else {
    $clientRequestId = [GUID]::NewGuid().Guid
    $lastVersion = "0000000000"
    @($clientRequestId, $lastVersion) | Out-File $datapath

    # call version method to check the latest version, and pull new data if version number is different
    # tenant name unnecessary

    $version = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri ($ws + "/version/Worldwide?clientRequestId=" + $clientRequestId)

    if ($version.latest -ge $lastVersion) {
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "New version of Office 365 worldwide commercial service instance endpoints detected"

    # write the new version number to the data file
    @($clientRequestId, $version.latest) | Out-File $datapath

    # invoke endpoints method to get the new data
    $endpointSets = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri ($ws + "/endpoints/Worldwide?clientRequestId=" + $clientRequestId)

    # filter results for Allow and Optimize endpoints, and transform these into custom objects with port and category

    $flatUrls = $endpointSets | ForEach-Object {
    $endpointSet = $_
    $urls = $(if ($endpointSet.urls.Count -gt 0) { $endpointSet.urls } else { @() })
    $urlCustomObjects = @()
    if ($endpointSet.category -in ("Allow", "Optimize")) {
    $urlCustomObjects = $urls | ForEach-Object {
    category = $endpointSet.category;
    url = $_;
    tcpPorts = $endpointSet.tcpPorts;
    udpPorts = $endpointSet.udpPorts;

    $flatIps = $endpointSets | ForEach-Object {
    $endpointSet = $_
    $ips = $(if ($endpointSet.ips.Count -gt 0) { $endpointSet.ips } else { @() })
    # IPv4 strings have dots while IPv6 strings have colons
    $ip4s = $ips | Where-Object { $_ -like '*.*' }

    $ipCustomObjects = @()
    if ($endpointSet.category -in ("Allow", "Optimize")) {
    $ipCustomObjects = $ip4s | ForEach-Object {
    category = $endpointSet.category;
    ip = $_;
    tcpPorts = $endpointSet.tcpPorts;
    udpPorts = $endpointSet.udpPorts;

    Write-Output "IPV4 Firewall IP Address Ranges"
    ($flatIps.ip | Sort-Object -Unique) -join "," | Out-String

    Write-Output "URLs for Proxy Server"
    ($flatUrls.url | Sort-Object -Unique) -join "," | Out-String

    # Format IP List into Network hashtable

    $ipList = ($flatIps.ip | Sort-Object -Unique) -join "," | Out-String
    $iplist = $iplist -replace "`n|`r",""

    # initialize ipNetList as an array

    $ipNetList = @()

    $ipList.split(',') | Foreach-object {
    $ipaddress = $_.split('/')[0]
    $netmask = $_.split('/')[1]
    $name = 'MS-' + $_.split('/')[0]
    $subnet = @{address = $ipaddress;
    address6 = "";
    comment = $comment;
    interface = "";
    name = $name;
    netmask = $netmask;
    netmask6 = "0";
    resolved = $true;
    resolved6 = $false}
    $subnet = $subnet | convertto-json | convertfrom-json
    $ipNetlist += $subnet


    # Add new subnets to Sophos UTM

    $resultList = @()

    foreach ($ipNet in $ipNetList)
    $action = ""
    $ref = ""
    $result = @()
    if ($msNetList -match $
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow $ already exists
    $action = 'Exists'
    $ref = ($msNetList | where {$ -eq $})._ref
    Write-Host -foregroundcolor Yellow Need to create network object $ on Sophos UTM
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 3
    $result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $networkURI -Method Post -Headers $headers -Body (ConvertTo-Json $ipNet)
    if ($ -eq $
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green Subnet created successfully
    $action = 'Added'
    $ref = $result._ref
    $action = 'AddFailed'

    $resultList += @{action = $action; network = $; _ref = $ref}

    #if ($utm.DBG){pause}


    # Old Subnets to remove from Sophos UTM

    foreach ($msNet in $msNetList)
    $action = ""
    if ($ipNetList -match $
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow $ is still valid
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red Need to remove network object $ from Sophos UTM
    $action = 'Remove'
    $resultList += @{action = $action; network = $; _ref = $msNet._ref}
    #if ($utm.DBG){pause}

    # Update "Microsoft IPv4 Subnets" group if any subnets added or removed

    if (($resultList | where {$_.action -eq "Added"}).count -gt 0 -or ($resultList | where {$_.action -eq "Remove"}).count -gt 0)
    $result = @()
    $msGrpMembers = @()
    $grpBody = @{}
    $networkGroups = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $groupURI -Method Get -Headers $headers
    $msGroup = $networkGroups | where {$ -eq 'Microsoft IPv4 Subnets'}
    if ($ -ne 'Microsoft IPv4 Subnets')
    $grpMethod = 'Post'
    $msGroupUri = $groupURI
    $grpMethod = 'Patch'
    $msGroupUri = $groupURI + $msGroup._ref
    foreach ($result in $resultList)
    if ($result.action -ne 'Remove')
    $msGrpMembers += $result._ref
    $grpBody = @{comment = $comment;
    name = "Microsoft IPv4 Subnets";
    members = $msGrpMembers}
    Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $msGroupUri -Method $grpMethod -Headers $headers -Body (ConvertTo-Json $grpBody)
    $resultList.ForEach({[PSCustomObject]$_}) | Export-Csv $resultCSV -Force -NoTypeInformation
    $emailHeader.Add('Body', 'Result file attached')
    $emailHeader.Add('Attachments', $resultCSV)


    $emailHeader.Add('Body','No IP address changes made this run')

    # Remove unused subnets from Sophos UTM

    if (($resultList | where {$_.action -eq "Remove"}).count -gt 0)
    $result = @()
    $msGrpMembers = @()
    $grpBody = @{}
    $headers.add("X-Restd-Err-Ack", "all")
    foreach ($result in $resultList)
    if ($result.action -eq 'Remove')
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red Deleting Network object $
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 3
    $delNetURI = $networkURI + $result._ref
    Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $delNetURI -Method Delete -Headers $headers -Body (ConvertTo-Json $ipNet)

    # Sends e-mail with list of ranges and action taken

    Send-MailMessage @emailHeader

    # Modifies the URLs for Sophos and populates the $exceptionUrls array

    foreach ($url in $flatUrls.url)
    $newUrl = ''
    if ($url -like '`*-*') {
    $newUrl = ($url).Replace('.','\.').Replace('*-','^https?://companyname-') # Replace with specific company name - might use the TenantID variable
    elseif ($url -like '`*.*') {
    $newUrl = ($url).Replace('.','\.').Replace('*\.','^https?://[^.]*\.')
    else {
    $newUrl = '^https?://' + ($url -replace '\.','\.')
    $exceptionUrls = $exceptionUrls += $newUrl

    if ($ -eq 0){
    $exceptionMethod = 'Post'
    $msExceptionUri = $exceptionUri
    } elseif ($ -eq 1){
    $exceptionMethod = 'Patch'
    $msExceptionUri = $exceptionUri + $msExceptionList._ref

    <#Options for the skiplist
    av -- anti-virus
    cache -- Caching
    certcheck -- Certificate Trust Check
    certdate -- Certificate Date Check
    check_max_download -- Block by download size
    content_removal -- Content removal
    contenttype_blacklist -- MIME type blocking
    extensions -- Extension blocking
    log_access -- Logging Accessed pages
    log_blocked -- Logging Blocked pages
    patience -- Do not display Download/Scan progress page
    ssl_scanning -- SSL Scanning
    url_filter -- URL Filter
    user_auth -- Authentication
    $skipList = @('ssl_scanning')

    # $msUrlList = ConvertTo-Json $exceptionUrls

    $exceptionBody = @()

    $exceptionBody = @{'aaa' = @();
    'comment' = $comment;
    'domains' = $exceptionUrls;
    'endpoints_groups' = @();
    'name' = 'Microsoft Office365 URLs';
    'networks' = @();
    'operator' = 'AND';
    'skiplist' = $skipList;
    'sp_categories' = @();
    'status' = $true;
    'tags' = @();
    'user_agents' = @()

    Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $msExceptionUri -Method $exceptionMethod -Headers $headers -Body (ConvertTo-Json $exceptionBody) # TODO Call Send-MailMessage with new endpoints data
    else {
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Magenta "Office 365 worldwide commercial service instance endpoints are up-to-date"

    It does generate an error at the end of the process, but it still does 99% of the work to get these O365 details into the UTM:

    _locked :
    _ref : REF_HttExcMicroOfficUrls
    _type : http/exception
    aaa : {}
    comment : Microsoft URL | 2019-09-16 PS1
    domains : {^https?://outlook\.office\.com, ^https?://outlook\.office365\.com, ^https?://smtp\.office365\.com,
    endpoints_groups : {}
    name : Microsoft Office365 URLs
    networks : {}
    operator : AND
    skiplist : {ssl_scanning}
    sp_categories : {}
    status : True
    tags : {}
    user_agents : {}