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all-in-one installer


I would like to know if there is any chance I can slipstream all the patches and file encryption drivers into one msi?

We are installing safeguard with SCCM, and there is 5 different msi/msp we need to install (8.1 prerequisites/client/config/1901 rollup/encryption driver 28) and it takes a lot of cooperation from end-users (at least 2 restarts)

any way I can install these in a simpler way?


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  • Hello,

    I run a batch file on each client, depending on whether I want the disk encrypted or not. I've attached both txt files if they are any good to you? 

    When it comes to individual patches, I push them out via PDQ Deploy for the desktops. Laptops get brought in for regular maintenance and are secondary devices for a handful of users so it's not a major pain to deal with them individually.


    @echo off
    Rem Written by David Harper
    Rem Moddified by Ollie Green
    Rem Script to install Sophos SGN
    Rem Version 2
    Rem This script comes as is and has no warranty
    set source="\\servername and path"
    set target=C:\sophos\install
    set preinstall=1_SGxClientPreinstall.msi
    set x64install=2_SGNClient_x64.msi
    set configinstall=3_SGNConfig.msi
    set x64patch=Build28.msp
    set hotfix=Hotfix1901x64.msp
    Rem ------------------------- Do not change below this line ---------------------------------- Rem
    cd /d C:
    Rem figuring out the OS from the version number
    for /f "tokens=4-5 delims=. " %%i in ('ver') do set VERSION=%%i.%%j
    if "%version%" == "10.0" (
    set floatos=Win10
    set above7=True
    if "%version%" == "6.3" (
    set floatos=Win8.1
    set above7=True
    if "%version%" == "6.2" (
    set floatos=Win8
    set above7=True
    if "%version%" == "6.1" (
    set floatos=Win7
    set above7=False
    if "%version%" == "6.0" (
    set floatos=WinVista
    set above7=False
    if "%version%" == "5.2" (
    set floatos=WinXp
    set above7="False"
    if "%version%" == "5.1" (
    set floatos=WinXp
    set above7=False
    rem Checking OS bitness
    IF EXIST "%ProgramFiles(x86)%" (
    set floatbit=64
    echo 64
    ) ELSE (
    set floatbit=32
    echo 32
    rem Exiting if WinXP or Vista
    if "floatos"=="winxp" goto:eof
    if "Floatos"=="winvista" goto:eof
    Rem copying the files locally
    mkdir %target%
    copy %source%\%preinstall% %target% /Y
    cd %target%
    Rem Pre-Install can now go and run
    Start /wait C:\windows\system32\msiexec.exe -i %preinstall% /qn
    If "%above7%"=="True" (
    If "%floatbit%"=="64" (
    If "%above7%"=="True" (
    If "%floatbit%"=="32" (
    If "%above7%"=="False" (
    If "%floatbit%"=="64" (
    If "%above7%"=="False" (
    If "%floatbit%"=="32" (
    rem 64 BIT 7
    copy %source%\%x64install% %target% /Y
    Start /wait C:\windows\system32\msiexec.exe -i %x64install% ADDLOCAL=Client,CredentialProvider,BaseEncryption,SectorBasedEncryption,SecureDataExchange,FileShare,CloudStorage OPALMODDE=2 /L* c:\sgnclient_%computername%.txt /qn /norestart
    copy %source%\%hotfix% %target% /Y
    Start /wait C:\windows\system32\msiexec.exe /update "%target%\Hotfix1901x64.msp" /qn /norestart
    copy %source%\%x64patch% %target% /Y
    Start /wait C:\windows\system32\msiexec.exe /update "%target%\Build28.msp" /qn /norestart
    echo Win7x64
    rem 64 WIN 8+
    copy %source%\%x64install% %target% /Y
    Start /wait C:\windows\system32\msiexec.exe -i %x64install% ADDLOCAL=Client,CredentialProvider,BitLockerSupport,SecureDataExchange,FileShare,CloudStorage /L* c:\sgnclient_%computername%.txt /qn /norestart
    copy %source%\%hotfix% %target% /Y
    Start /wait C:\windows\system32\msiexec.exe /update "%target%\Hotfix1901x64.msp" /qn /norestart
    copy %source%\%x64patch% %target% /Y
    Start /wait C:\windows\system32\msiexec.exe /update "%target%\Build28.msp" /qn /norestart
    echo win8x64
    rem 32 BIT 7
    copy %source%\%x86install% %target%\%x86install% /Y
    Start /wait C:\windows\system32\msiexec.exe -i %x86install% PATCH=%x86patch% ADDLOCAL=Client,CredentialProvider,BaseEncryption,SectorBasedEncryption,SecureDataExchange,FileShare,CloudStorage OPALMODDE=2 /L* c:\sgnclient_%computername%.txt /qn /norestart
    copy %source%\%hotfix% %target% /Y
    Start /wait C:\windows\system32\msiexec.exe /update "%target%\Hotfix1901x64.msp" /qn /norestart
    copy %source%\%x64patch% %target% /Y
    Start /wait C:\windows\system32\msiexec.exe /update "%target%\Build28x86.msp" /qn /norestart
    echo win7x86
    rem 32 WIN 8+
    copy %source%\%x86install% %target% /Y
    Start /wait C:\windows\system32\msiexec.exe -i %x86install% ADDLOCAL=Client,CredentialProvider,BitLockerSupport,SecureDataExchange,FileShare,CloudStorage /L* c:\sgnclient_%computername%.txt /qn /norestart
    copy %source%\%hotfix% %target% /Y
    Start /wait C:\windows\system32\msiexec.exe /update "%target%\Hotfix1901x64.msp" /qn /norestart
    copy %source%\%x64patch% %target% /Y
    Start /wait C:\windows\system32\msiexec.exe /update "%target%\Build28x86.msp" /qn /norestart
    echo win8x86
    copy %source%\%configinstall% %target% /Y
    Start /wait C:\windows\system32\msiexec.exe -i %configinstall% /qn /norestart
    Rem Delete local Sophos folder
    Rem RD /S /Q C:\Sophos
    Rem Restart computer
    shutdown.exe /r /t 00
    @echo off
    Rem Written by David Harper
    Rem Moddified by Ollie Green
    Rem Script to install Sophos SGN
    Rem Version 2
    Rem This script comes as is and has no warranty
    set source="\\servername and path"
    set target=C:\sophos\install
    set preinstall=1_SGxClientPreinstall.msi
    set x64install=2_SGNClient_x64.msi
    set configinstall=3_SGNConfig.msi
    set x64patch=Build28.msp
    set hotfix=Hotfix1901x64.msp
    Rem ------------------------- Do not change below this line ---------------------------------- Rem
    cd /d C:
    Rem figuring out the OS from the version number
    for /f "tokens=4-5 delims=. " %%i in ('ver') do set VERSION=%%i.%%j
    if "%version%" == "10.0" (
    set floatos=Win10
    set above7=True
    if "%version%" == "6.3" (
    set floatos=Win8.1
    set above7=True
    if "%version%" == "6.2" (
    set floatos=Win8
    set above7=True
    if "%version%" == "6.1" (
    set floatos=Win7
    set above7=False
    if "%version%" == "6.0" (
    set floatos=WinVista
    set above7=False
    if "%version%" == "5.2" (
    set floatos=WinXp
    set above7="False"
    if "%version%" == "5.1" (
    set floatos=WinXp
    set above7=False
    rem Checking OS bitness
    IF EXIST "%ProgramFiles(x86)%" (
    set floatbit=64
    echo 64
    ) ELSE (
    set floatbit=32
    echo 32
    rem Exiting if WinXP or Vista
    if "floatos"=="winxp" goto:eof
    if "Floatos"=="winvista" goto:eof
    Rem copying the files locally
    mkdir %target%
    copy %source%\%preinstall% %target% /Y
    cd %target%
    Rem Pre-Install can now go and run
    Start /wait C:\windows\system32\msiexec.exe -i %preinstall% /qn
    If "%above7%"=="True" (
    If "%floatbit%"=="64" (
    If "%above7%"=="True" (
    If "%floatbit%"=="32" (
    If "%above7%"=="False" (
    If "%floatbit%"=="64" (
    If "%above7%"=="False" (
    If "%floatbit%"=="32" (
    rem 64 BIT 7
    copy %source%\%x64install% %target% /Y
    Start /wait C:\windows\system32\msiexec.exe -i %x64install% ADDLOCAL=Client,CredentialProvider,SecureDataExchange,FileShare,CloudStorage /L* c:\sgnclient_%computername%.txt /qn /norestart
    copy %source%\%hotfix% %target% /Y
    Start /wait C:\windows\system32\msiexec.exe /update "%target%\Hotfix1901x64.msp" /qn /norestart
    copy %source%\%x64patch% %target% /Y
    Start /wait C:\windows\system32\msiexec.exe /update "%target%\Build28.msp" /qn /norestart
    echo Win7x64
    rem 64 WIN 8+
    copy %source%\%x64install% %target% /Y
    Start /wait C:\windows\system32\msiexec.exe -i %x64install% ADDLOCAL=Client,CredentialProvider,SecureDataExchange,FileShare,CloudStorage /L* c:\sgnclient_%computername%.txt /qn /norestart
    copy %source%\%hotfix% %target% /Y
    Start /wait C:\windows\system32\msiexec.exe /update "%target%\Hotfix1901x64.msp" /qn /norestart
    copy %source%\%x64patch% %target% /Y
    Start /wait C:\windows\system32\msiexec.exe /update "%target%\Build28.msp" /qn /norestart
    echo win8x64
    rem 32 BIT 7
    copy %source%\%x86install% %target%\%x86install% /Y
    Start /wait C:\windows\system32\msiexec.exe -i %x86install% ADDLOCAL=Client,CredentialProvider,SecureDataExchange,FileShare,CloudStorage /L* c:\sgnclient_%computername%.txt /qn /norestart
    copy %source%\%hotfix% %target% /Y
    Start /wait C:\windows\system32\msiexec.exe /update "%target%\Hotfix1901x64.msp" /qn /norestart
    copy %source%\%x64patch% %target% /Y
    Start /wait C:\windows\system32\msiexec.exe /update "%target%\Build28x86.msp" /qn /norestart
    echo win7x86
    rem 32 WIN 8+
    copy %source%\%x86install% %target% /Y
    Start /wait C:\windows\system32\msiexec.exe -i %x86install% ADDLOCAL=Client,CredentialProvider,SecureDataExchange,FileShare,CloudStorage /L* c:\sgnclient_%computername%.txt /qn /norestart
    copy %source%\%hotfix% %target% /Y
    Start /wait C:\windows\system32\msiexec.exe /update "%target%\Hotfix1901x64.msp" /qn /norestart
    copy %source%\%x64patch% %target% /Y
    Start /wait C:\windows\system32\msiexec.exe /update "%target%\Build28x86.msp" /qn /norestart
    echo win8x86
    copy %source%\%configinstall% %target% /Y
    Start /wait C:\windows\system32\msiexec.exe -i %configinstall% /qn /norestart
    Rem Delete local Sophos folder
    Rem RD /S /Q C:\Sophos
    Rem Restart computer
    shutdown.exe /r /t 00

  • Thanks for the scripts, I'll try them! We manage more than 700 computers so regular manual maintenance is out of the question.

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