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Sophos Management Host Service did not start after restart

Hi Guys.

We just restarted our sophos server and I noticed that the Sophos Enterprise Console is not starting up. I looked at the services and found the Sophos Management Host Service is not running.

I tried running the service for the Sophos Management Host Service and it says Error 1069: The service did not start due to a logon failure.

Here is what I'm getting.

Sophos.UIController.Extension.UIControllerException: Cannot retrieve session token after 8 retries. Please check that the Sophos Management Host service is running, otherwise see KBA 118513.
   at Sophos.UIController.IdentityServiceAbstracter.EndRetrieveSessionToken()
   at Sophos.UIController.UIControl.InitializeModulesDependencies()
   at Sophos.UIController.UIControl.<Initialize>b__b()
   at Sophos.UIController.Product.Logging.LogMethod(MemberInfo method, Action func)
   at Sophos.UIController.UIControl.Initialize()

----- [outer exception] -----
   -- error: 0x80004005 (Unspecified error)
   -- facility: Generic (System)
   -- source:   Sophos.UIController

   at class ATL::CComBSTR __thiscall UIControl::initialize(class ATL::CComPtr<struct IDispatch>)
   at class ATL::CComPtr<struct IDispatch> __thiscall bl::CReusingManagementServiceClientBroker::logIn(const struct util::UserName &,class Loki::SmartPtr<class bl::SubEstate,class Loki::RefCountedMTAdj<class Loki::ClassLevelLockable>::RefCountedMT,struct Loki::DisallowConversion,struct util::NoDereferenceNull,class Loki::DefaultSPStorage>,const wchar_t *,class bl::UIControllerBase &)
   at int __cdecl Run(int,class bl::CommandLine,enum bl::ConsoleType::Type)
   at int __stdcall wWinMain(struct HINSTANCE__ *,struct HINSTANCE__ *,wchar_t *,int)


Thanks for the help in advance.

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  • If you look at the properties of the service and then the logon tab, has that account referenced been changed recently, password changed?

    If you do change the password, the supported method to "fix" it is to re-run the SEC installer (the unpacked files could be in the root of the C: drive).  This will take you back through the install wizard where you get to re-enter the management account in use.
