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Sophos SUM shown different version with other SUM after migrate Server and wouldn't updated

Hi guys,


We were migrated old SEC server from Windows 2008 R2 to Windows 2016, our migration has followed the steps that mention on KB page. We managed to successfully installed and run SEC on new Server, the managed client was also displayed to connected clients on SEC. We have 4 SUM server. 1 SUM will pull update directly from Sophos (SUM server 1) , and 1 will pull to the SUM server 1 (this "SUM server 2" which we migrated), and the 2 others will pull update from "SUM server 2".  This SUM server 2 that has role as SEC server.

The problems arise on Update Manager , the "SUM server 2" shown different version from other SUM (vers. 1.6.x) which the others has version 1.7.x. On this server last updated is displayed as Never. We have tried to force update this SUM but the update is failing and shown "software update failed", the SUMtrace log can found on the attachment.

After doing some research, we tried to give permission on update manager folder, but the update still failing. And at some point we tried to directly update to Sophos but while we try to input credential a pop up error occur and shown Check of update source failed: 'Obscure: Invalid algorithm ident = 4' message. The Screenshot can found on attachment.



Are you guys have an idea to resolve this problems? 





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  • Hello FB,

    first of all, the screenshot suggests that at least the first and third SUM aren't talking to your management server (I assume it is the second on the list).

    Which SEC version is this? After migration, did you enter the updating source for your SUM2? It looks like it's XXX-mdm-drc with both a UNC and HTTP path. Wonder why you've apparently got the Download Security Software Wizard. The log shows no password for the HTTP path but an IMO invalid value for the UNC path: <Password obfuscated="true">BEGIN_SECURE_TICKET_ .... This is normally a value name under HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Sophos\EE\Management Tools\Private\ and its data the secured obfuscated credentials that should go into the configuration. This might be the cause for the <ERROR> Failed to create impersonation account.

    Did you already try to cancel the Wizard and then edit the SUM configuration?
