Under Review

Online Admin Help instructions are missing detail for "1. turn on the RED provisioning service."

URL: https://docs.sophos.com/nsg/sophos-firewall/19.5/Help/en-us/webhelp/onlinehelp/AdministratorHelp/Network/Interfaces/REDInterfaces/HowToArticles/REDSetupAutomatically/index.html

First section identifies step one, as follows:

How automatic provisioning works

Here's how the provisioning server sets up a RED tunnel with the firewall:

  1. You turn on the RED provisioning service in the firewall."

Then objectives misses the first step, identified above:


To set up a RED device automatically, do as follows:

  1. Add a custom zone for RED devices.
  2. Add a RED interface.
  3. Create a firewall rule for tunnel traffic.
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