
Integration Status

Identify the Integration that have information in the data lake, how much data they have sent and when they last sent data. NOTE: If no data has been sent to the data lake then the integration is not listed

-- Display Integration status
-- NOTE if no data has reached central in the selected time period then the integration will not be listed

-- VARIABLE $$Integration Category$$  STRING
-- VARIABLE $$Vendor$$                STRING
   sensor_type Integration_Category,
   CASE WHEN sensor_vendor = 'Sophos' THEN 'Sophos NDR' ELSE sensor_vendor END Vendor,
   sensor_version Version,
   COUNT(*) Records,
   CAST(CAST(SUM(upload_size)/1024.0 AS DECIMAL(10,2)) AS VARCHAR)||'KB' Data_uploaded,
   CAST(DATE_DIFF('hour',MAX(ioc_created_at), NOW()) AS VARCHAR)||' Hours ago' Last_Update,
FROM mdr_ioc_all 
WHERE LOWER(sensor_type) LIKE LOWER('%$$Integration Category$$%') 
   AND LOWER(sensor_vendor) LIKE LOWER('%$$Vendor$$%')
GROUP BY 1,2,3,7,8
ORDER BY 1,2,3,7,8