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How to automatically say "Yes" to quarantine file and continue with scan


I been running Sophos for Linux in a script that checks files on a mount drive.  The problem I encountering is  Sophos scan is waiting for a responds (Yes/No/All) when quarantine a file. One has to type in responds  in order to continue with the scan.  How do I get Sophos to quarantine a file , and continue with the scan automatically

The command I am using is  savscan -f -rec -all -dn -archive --quarantine /       I try adding   Y or -Y at the end of the command but it doesn't work 

Any suggestion much appreciated 

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  • Hi  

    --quarantine changes the permission on the file because of that it'll ask you for the change on each file.

    Instead of --quarantine, you can use --move which will move the infected files to quarantine directory and that should not be asking you Yes/No on each file.

    Please refer to this document which has all the valid arguments for savscan command.


    Community Support Engineer | Sophos Support

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  • Hi Jasmin


    So i try the -move option with the following command 

    savscan /root -f -rec -dn -archive -move=/root/sophos-av/quarantine


    But is still pause and ask if I want to move the infect file to the quarantine directory instead of moving it automatically.  And it does not change the permission of the files like --quarantine option does 




    Using IDE file zbot-oaw.ide
    Using IDE file emoge-go.ide
    Using IDE file nano-aez.ide
    Using IDE file zbot-oay.ide

    Full Scanning

    >>> Virus 'EICAR-AV-Test' found in file /root/Downloads/
    Proceed with moving /root/Downloads/ (Yes/No/All) ? Yes  <- Still pausing and asking if I want to move this file over to quarantine directory instead of continueing automatically with the scan
    Moved /root/Downloads/ to /root/sophos-av/quarantine successfully
    >>> Virus 'EICAR-AV-Test' found in file /root/Downloads/
    Proceed with moving /root/Downloads/ (Yes/No/All) ? Yes
    Moved /root/Downloads/ to /root/sophos-av/quarantine successfully

    32 files scanned in 1 minute and 58 seconds.
    2 viruses were discovered.
    2 files out of 32 were infected.
    If you need further advice regarding any detections please visit our
    Threat Center at:
    End of Scan.
    [root@localhost Downloads]# cd /root/sophos-av/quarantine/
    [root@localhost quarantine]# ll
    total 8
    -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 68 Jan 8 13:35
    -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 184 Jan 8 13:35
    [root@localhost quarantine]#


    Should there be an addition option I need to add/use?

  • Hi Jasmin


    So i try the -move option with the following command 

    savscan /root -f -rec -dn -archive -move=/root/sophos-av/quarantine


    But is still pause and ask if I want to move the infect file to the quarantine directory instead of moving it automatically.  And it does not change the permission of the files like --quarantine option does 




    Using IDE file zbot-oaw.ide
    Using IDE file emoge-go.ide
    Using IDE file nano-aez.ide
    Using IDE file zbot-oay.ide

    Full Scanning

    >>> Virus 'EICAR-AV-Test' found in file /root/Downloads/
    Proceed with moving /root/Downloads/ (Yes/No/All) ? Yes  <- Still pausing and asking if I want to move this file over to quarantine directory instead of continueing automatically with the scan
    Moved /root/Downloads/ to /root/sophos-av/quarantine successfully
    >>> Virus 'EICAR-AV-Test' found in file /root/Downloads/
    Proceed with moving /root/Downloads/ (Yes/No/All) ? Yes
    Moved /root/Downloads/ to /root/sophos-av/quarantine successfully

    32 files scanned in 1 minute and 58 seconds.
    2 viruses were discovered.
    2 files out of 32 were infected.
    If you need further advice regarding any detections please visit our
    Threat Center at:
    End of Scan.
    [root@localhost Downloads]# cd /root/sophos-av/quarantine/
    [root@localhost quarantine]# ll
    total 8
    -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 68 Jan 8 13:35
    -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 184 Jan 8 13:35
    [root@localhost quarantine]#


    Should there be an addition option I need to add/use?
