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How to automatically say "Yes" to quarantine file and continue with scan


I been running Sophos for Linux in a script that checks files on a mount drive.  The problem I encountering is  Sophos scan is waiting for a responds (Yes/No/All) when quarantine a file. One has to type in responds  in order to continue with the scan.  How do I get Sophos to quarantine a file , and continue with the scan automatically

The command I am using is  savscan -f -rec -all -dn -archive --quarantine /       I try adding   Y or -Y at the end of the command but it doesn't work 

Any suggestion much appreciated 

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  • Hi  

    quarantine is only available for on-demand scans (savscan).You can configure an on-demand scan to put infected files into quarantine to prevent them from being accessed. It does this by changing the ownership and permissions for the files. Please refer to this document which should help you.


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  • Hi Shweta


    Yes i am aware what the --quarantine option does . The issue that I having is (and mention in my original posting) is when during a scan when it finds a file that has a virus  it stops and wait for manual interaction to say Yes, No or All in order to continue with the scan.  I want it to do is quarantine the file and continue with the scanning the rest of the file system.  Basically have a automatic "Yes" to the quarantine the file and continue with the scan.  

    Although seem like the --move option may be my solution.  Just have try it out.