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SAV32CLI possible content of scanning log

Hi, i need to handle virus detection programmatically. I want to know when the virus detected.

By working with SAV32CLI i see something like this when virus detected:

Full Scanning

>>> Virus 'EICAR-AV-Test' found in file C:\

1 file swept in 9 seconds.
1 virus was discovered.
1 file out of 1 was infected.

I want to know is there any other format for virus detection? For example type something else instead of ">>> Virus".




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  • Hello ent wildfire,

    first of all, please note that sav32cli.exe is not intended for sophisticated automation or as scanning interface. May I ask what application you have in mind?

    I'm not aware of a detailed documentation of the possible messages but AFAIK detections (Virus, PUA, Suspicious etc. - depending on the switches used) are denoted by the >>>.


  • Hi. I just want to send files for scan and analyse scanning log file if detect any thing. Then save all information to use it later. I want to do it without interface and in background.

    Thanks for your help. 

  • Hello ent wildfire,

    as you have already seen, there's a significant overhead associated with the use of sav32cli.exe as it has to verify,load, and initialize the detection data each time it is called.
    Furthermore, it provides no more insight that the On-Access scanner (unless you use more "aggressive" settings - and even then very rarely). It's mainly for use in Safe Mode or on a yet unprotected machine.

    Don't mention it!


  • Hello ent wildfire,

    as you have already seen, there's a significant overhead associated with the use of sav32cli.exe as it has to verify,load, and initialize the detection data each time it is called.
    Furthermore, it provides no more insight that the On-Access scanner (unless you use more "aggressive" settings - and even then very rarely). It's mainly for use in Safe Mode or on a yet unprotected machine.

    Don't mention it!


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