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XG Firewall Free Home Use - Installed - Now What?

I have a pc with screen that I used to install the XG Firewall Home. It installed with no issues. However, I only see the command line screen on the display... no GUI. I did use the "AA" command to activate and that worked fine. I am using a separate computer that is on wifi and bridged the internet to the ethernet port and that is supplying the XG Firewall PC with internet via port 2. I thought that once installed and activated that the PC I dedicated to the firewall would then present me with a GUI interface to use. However, I am stuck with the Linux command line menu and nothing more.

I have attempted to connect to via the laptop providing the internet connection and it does nothing except give rejection errors. I have tried connecting to the IP address that the XG Firewall PC is receiving and using the 4444 port and again only errors.

When I look at the setup for version 17 it jumps from installation to GUI but I have no idea how I get to that. Isn't it supposed to be on the dedicated machine? Once I connect this up I realize I need to use the two ethernet ports to send the internet through the firewall... I am not sure if that is a connection coming from the cable modem or from the router. 

Anyway, I am stuck. Help.


Edit: Progress made...

I tried connecting to port 1 with the ethernet and removed the bridge I was using to port 2 for internet connectivity. I turned off the wifi on the laptop that was supplying the internet and 172... finally gave me the console. However, once again. Why can't I get this GUI on the pc that was loaded with XG? Why I am having to use another PC to actually see the GUI. I have updated the Admin pw and now I am on the following page which obviously shows that I don't have a port 2 internet connection. However it shows all the info that indicates the IP supplied previously. It gives me the option to set up manually. Not sure what to do next but I am still playing with it. Anyone out there that can help?


Edit... More Progress but stuck again...

I have a router connected by WISP to the primary router. The secondary router has its own Admin PW and 2 wifi networks. I connected Port 2 to the router and Port 1 is still connected to the laptop I am on now via wifi. XG on Linux command line via the XG PC is showing I am in bridge mode and the IPv4 address has been set. I cannot however get back to the GUI admin via the laptop. Port 1 is still connected and I have the wifi connected but disconnecting either and trying to access via 172.. or the assigned IP is not getting access (port 4444). Now how do I get back to the GUI management console? I was able to do the full set up and it updated the firmware etc. and then rebooted the firewall but since then no access to the GUI.


Edit... More progress...

Why this isn't spelled out in any of the material is beyond me... but I found this link that says:


The trick was that the device management is disabled by default. 
that's why i could access user portal, but not management portal.

resolution :
1- Access device "console"
2- Command:  system appliance_access enable

then you can open the ip with port : 4444 successfully



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